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My boyfriend is going on holiday with his female gay friend. I was never invited to their holiday.

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It is best that this relationship is over. 

You weren't happy and it didn't appear the two of were on the same page at all. Time to move on. 


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3 hours ago, monika-n2013 said:

He’s been on holiday with this girl and had multiple nights out. He hasn’t planned a single outing with me. Is that how you treat your girlfriend? Don’t think so…

Yeah, but did he actually plan it with her?   He sounds to me like the kind of guy who just goes along with whatever someone else suggested.

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On 10/15/2024 at 11:22 AM, monika-n2013 said:

update: I broke up with the guy.

Good for you! While I wouldn't have considered the last incident as my dealbreaker, that's only because all the disloyalty and exclusionary incidents leading up to it would have been stuff I'd have never put up with.

Head high, and so glad you've liberated yourself from a no-win. The right guy for you awaits.

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