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Dating again


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Hello or good evening to wherever you are! 

It has been long time since I have made a thread in "dating". Well I'm back on the market and are dating again! Been to couple of speed dates too but nothing. Still trying! 

I recently got a match with Kim on Tinder (False name) and we have been talking everyday since we got a match last friday. We have planned our first date on the 12th September. I'm really excited! :D 

 I tried to ask her about her snapchat but she is not ready to share it. I do have some questions regarding the first date. I have been out for a long time 😅 As far as I know I need to be myself and I plan to go into it with that.

* What should I talk about? 
* Should I ask her about her snapchat on the end of the first date? If she says no, does that means that it will be no 2 date? 
* Or instead should I ask her: "Do you think there will be a 2 date"? 

We spoke so much on Tinder that it felt like I have already asked her what I would normally do if I met her in person. The usual get to know each other questions.. yeah I asked her that 😅

From what I know she likes to: 

* Read selv development books 
* She works as Pharmacist
* She likes to hit the gym. She will compete in powerlifting this November. 
* She loves food, especially ramen
* She likes to knit cardigans
* She loves to bake cakes
* She is an introvert
* She lives near me


Regarding the powerlifting. There is a powerlifting club that she is a member of. I'm a bit afraid that she will date those guys instead of me. I know it sounds crazy... or am I overthinking? 

Idk I just thought that she would date those guys from powerlifting club because they all share the same interest and people can also connect with each other and be social in that club..

That's the end hahaha! Thank you for taking your time to read and share your thoughts and advice. Everything I'll take with an open arm. Arigato! 

Edit: Before calling me out for the overthinking part. Yes I do overthink sometimes and I'm working on it. I'm not perfect


Edited by Keeves1
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What's with your preoccupation with Snapchat? Not many grown women are interested in exchanging photos with strangers--it's too intimate. Pushing for someone to use it after meeting only once or twice can easily be viewed as premature and intrusive. I'd quit asking her about it unless you want to come off like a guy who's main focus is to send her d-pics rather than actually get to know her in person.

Edited by Leihla_B
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49 minutes ago, Leihla_B said:

What's with your preoccupation with Snapchat? Not many grown women are interested in exchanging photos with strangers--it's too intimate. Pushing for someone to use it after meeting only once or twice can easily be viewed as premature and intrusive. I'd quit asking her about it unless you want to come off like a guy who's main focus is to send her d-pics rather than actually get to know her in person.

I think you have misunderstood me. I have not met her. We have just been talking on dating app. In Norway if we got either the number or snapchat it's a sign that she wants to keep in touch. Asking for snapchat is not the same as asking for number. You are getting close but need to be closer. 

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25 minutes ago, Gaeta said:

What happenned to the lady you were dating in June?

I'd called it off. I did not feel tge chemistry 

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3 hours ago, Keeves1 said:

Regarding the powerlifting. There is a powerlifting club that she is a member of. I'm a bit afraid that she will date those guys instead of me. I know it sounds crazy... or am I overthinking? 

My oldest daughter powerlift. Her boyfriend is really tall and really really skinny! She never cared for the buffed type. Don't worry about that.

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