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Does my fiance still have a small spark 4 his ex?

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OK, I'm 24 & I'm in a 13 hours away long distance relationship with my boyfriend of nearly 2 years. He was on his comp. and I was on his lap and he typed in a site beginning with the letter of this blog site & it showed on the search thing on his browser of most often looked at page. The thing was .. it was his EX'S site! I didn't say anything He thought I didn't notice..but I'm devastated.

Does this mean that he still has feelings for her after all of this time? I know he loves me more than anything in the world but is there still some little spark or is he just checking up on her 2 see how her life is going? And why is he hiding it from me do you think if he is just seeing what's goign on? Because I do that from time to time and see my ex ( and I've found hers too b/c I was bored and that's how I know he was looking at it) and I also know he looked at it recently b/c he just bought that computer last week! I'm so depressed! He's got me worried! and we JUST SAW EACHOTHER TOO and were sooo happy. I don't get it. Does he still have a small thing for her? He's told me in the past he's over it and doesn't want to talk about it but Jeez what is this telling me now?


Thanks in advance!



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Sorry I forgot some details..


The site contains pics and blogs and comments. It's a myspace & she seems to always update it. She used to be a model so she's a cute girl, is this why he is still drawn to her? And it really hurts me b/c they dated while we were taking a break a year ago. And they had sex..so yea it kills me to see that his #1 searched site is her MYSPACE. What the hell? So, once again, does this mean something or is it just a little thing for him to check up on her?

It's just WIERD. He loves me so much more than her and wants to marry me..yet he seems to just not be able to...( let her go?) I dont know!

Someone please explain this to me!


Thanks again in advance


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Did they have a bad break up perhaps? If so maybe he hasn't found closure with things yet. Hard to say for sure. Does he just visit a site where shes a memeber or does he still talk with her? Maybe he just wants to see how shes doing etc. Either way this seems to be something that bothers you, and and if you have expressed this to him, then out of respect for you he needs to stop.





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They don't talk 2 eachother..he just has an obsession of looking at her site. And he said that they just quit calling eachother, it was only a 2 month relationship too by the way so I just don't get it.



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What seems to be the fascination with her site? Why not create one of your own show it to him and see if he visits yours too. If its myspace then you will have others to view your site as well. If he was to ask or see that others visit your site, then he really doesn't have the right to question you, that would be like calling the kettle black. Tell him since you're his current g/f then he should be viewing your site. Just a thought.






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I look at my ex's myspace account every now and then, and to tell you the truth, I can't STAND him! I don't know why I do it, sometimes just to see if he's dating someone prettier than me because I have this bad habit of comparing myself to others. I get curious, and mostly bored, and when I look at his page, I'm reminded of how lucky I am to be engaged to someone else. To be honest, I'm not interested in him AT ALL and I have a fiance too. I guess I just get bored and like to see how stupid he is, and if he's gotten any uglier, and I hope that he's dating someone ugly and if so then I look to see pictures. I'm a snoop too, so I just like to investigate things. It really has no relevance to my current relationship. I know all this sounds kind of immature and shallow, but it's the truth. I haven't spoken to him for 4 or 5 years, and I got an email from him recently and just never responded because I don't REALLY care. To calm yourself down, just be honest with your man, tell him what you saw, and tell him that it made you uncomfortable. Ask him why he still looks at her page, and just try and accept his answer, but let him know how it makes you feel. I know if my fiance was uncomfortable with the fact that I looked at his page, I would listen to them and try to make him feel more secure, and stop looking at it. Try not to compare yourself to his ex. Everyone is different, and I know it's hard to accept, but it's like comparing apples to oranges. I'm sure he loves you, and it was just innocent curiosity... just talk to him, be honest, and find out the truth. Hope that makes you feel better!!!

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The biggest problem you have here is you are enagaged to a man that you feel you can't talk to you. he is the man that you are going to spend the rest of your life with, bigger issues will come up than an ex's blog. You need to learn how to discuss how you're feeling. Grow up and tell him how you're feeling. Say something like honey I know you love me and I love you. I saw that you are checking your ex's website and it's causing me some concern. First it makes me feel vulnerable and that you may have some feelings for her. So can you tell me why you are looking at her website. NOW LISTEN w/o tears and W/O accusations. We can't get into his mind and tell you why he's doing it. Ask him and have a talk with your future husband.

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I guess I just get bored and like to see how stupid he is, and if he's gotten any uglier, and I hope that he's dating someone ugly and if so then I look to see pictures. I'm a snoop too, so I just like to investigate things.


You're a dick.

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I do it too... sorry but I do it too. I have a friend I haven't spoken to in years, there was some really bad blood between us but every now and then I just want to know how she is doing. Same with my ex, though he stopped updating his site forever ago. I want to know if he's happy, sad, angry, still alive.


We do have three children together, so I do have a reason to be interested in his life a little. The thing is I get very little feeling from seeing him or his life without me. We've both moved on, I'm very happy most of the time, not always with my current marriage but he helped me grow you know.


I guess sometimes it's just hard to totally let go of someone that was a part of our life. 10 days or 10 years they left an impression. Even if he still has some feeling in there if he isn't talking about her or too her it's probably just a connection with his past he isn't ready to let go of quite yet.

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