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Whats some good vitamins that are good for skin/hair, and nails? I know a multivitamin is probably good but are there any other things? I used to hear the vitmain E vitmains were good for skin. I also know a good diet plays an essential role for good skin/hair and nails as well.






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I noticed a difference in my nails when I started taking calcium. And vitamin C is very good for skin, hair and nails I believe. If you're a smoker you need more Vit. C than most. 1,000 mg is probably good.

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I agree with Touche Vitamin c is essential for the skin,hair and nails!! i take it and notice my nails are look longer and healthy and whiter!! My hair grows anyway don't notice too much already long!!

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I agree fish oil supplements (omega 3 fatty acids) are the best for hair, skin and nails, preventing them from becoming dry and brittle.


Also, plenty of water will make your skin and hair glow and help cleanse all the junk we eat that builds up and clogs our pores.:)

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there is actually a multivitamin called skin-hair-nails by natrol which is good. it has a lot of stuff. the B vitamins are excellent for ur skin and naild and stuff.. biotin..

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