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What is a normal period of time for guys to last before they orgasm? My BF takes about 3-4 minutes, but most of the time it is not enough for me to orgasm. What the hell should I do. He makes me orgams thru oral sex, but very rarely thru intercourse....

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YOU ASK: "What is a normal period of time for guys to last before they orgasm?"


There is no normal time. While some men can last 30 minutes or more, others take less than a minute. Some ejaculate even before entering the female. There are some men who last longer with one female than with another. There are some men who last longer sometimes with the same partner.


There are dozens of reasons for this. Your guy should go to a medical doctor for help.


I would suggest that he masturbate perhaps a half hour prior to intercourse. This would probably enable him to last much longer. He may also try withdrawing when he feels he is near orgasm, recovering, and the resuming intercourse. This may re-train his process over a period of time.


As a man gets older, it usually takes longer to reach orgasm. If you date an 80 year old man, you could be there all night.


There are some medications which have delayed orgasm as a side effect.


I would say that it's a compliment to you that your guy has an orgasm so quickly, although that may be no consolation to your dissatisfaction.


Have him try my suggestions...or see a doctor.

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