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He lied about his age, Can I press charges


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Hello I am 24,

This random boy added me off quickadd, and we talked and the first thing I asked was his age. He said I am 24, I replied with same here. He was the one to say “you’re not underaged right?” I said no, We both were horny and exchanged pics I send nudes and he also did. We got into an argument and he said I’m actually 17 and you’re a “p” and I demanded him to send me ID and the ID he sent said he is 17 atm and will be 18 tomorrow he said he will press charges on me for sending a minor explicit pics. And blocked me after, I also want to press charges on him for lying about his age to get pics from me and saying he would fly to see me.

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C'mon. This is beyond silly. You really think a 17 yo will go through the trouble of pressing charges? He's having way too much fun sending you older girls his P pics. Do you watch the news at all? Don't you know that exchanging nude pictures can lead to bullying and blackmail? I guess now you know eh!

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You better stop sending naked pics of yourself. You do realize how easy it is to put pics and videos up on the internet right? Basically there are free porn sites where all people have to do is create a profile and then they can upload as many pictures and videos that they want to. They just tag the video with a keyword and voilaaa you are now searchable.

Him possibly pressing charges is the least you need to worry about here. You are about to become an amateur porn star where dirty old men older than your dad will be looking at you naked.



Edited by Sony12
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5 hours ago, GoodVibess said:

I also want to press charges on him for lying about his age to get pics from me and saying he would fly to see me.

I would not advise telling the police that you've been sending nakey pics to a minor.  Ultimately, it's on you to verify the recipient.  

I also know of no law that says one can't falsely say they would fly to see you.  

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😆 It's not against the law anywhere to lie about your age.  It is, however, against the law to traffic in child pornography. 

What on Earth are you thinking?

You post here regularly and 100% of the time it's about your own wildly inappropriate behavior.

Maybe you should be seeking some professional help rather than hanging around hookup sites and sexting with children or sharing about it around here.  

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4 hours ago, Sony12 said:

Looking at the OP's posting history they have created a lot of crazy topics in the past. 

Click-bait for attention, yeah. 

I have a hard time believing much of what this individual posts. 

Edited by ExpatInItaly
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6 hours ago, ExpatInItaly said:

Click-bait for attention, yeah. 

I have a hard time believing much of what this individual posts. 

After making my post I did kind of wonder if GoodVibes is actually a guy. Posting a picture of a car is a very 'guy' thing to do.

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On 9/17/2024 at 1:42 AM, GoodVibess said:

Hello I am 24,

This random boy added me off quickadd, and we talked and the first thing I asked was his age. He said I am 24, I replied with same here. He was the one to say “you’re not underaged right?” I said no, We both were horny and exchanged pics I send nudes and he also did. We got into an argument and he said I’m actually 17 and you’re a “p” and I demanded him to send me ID and the ID he sent said he is 17 atm and will be 18 tomorrow he said he will press charges on me for sending a minor explicit pics. And blocked me after, I also want to press charges on him for lying about his age to get pics from me and saying he would fly to see me.

Dude, this is normal in dating world where minors pretend to be more than their age. Clearly your new at this dating procedure. This will not be last time this will happen to you if you keep using that app.

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