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Addicted to being with someone, not just anyone though!

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I hate my inability to be happy alone.

It scares me it's ruined relationships before. I ask questions, need reasurance, etc.

This time i met someone & it was all too fast, 3 days of whirlwind sex, romance etc & then she said just friends. I got my hopes so up! We went out as friends yesterday & we kissed,cuddled etc held hands!

Why, when just friends!

I get attached & fall in love & when something happens i fall to pieces.

Even when i'm doing ok with study & work, i still feel anxious alone & depressed, i talk to a councelor & take meds.

I get that heady in love feeling very early, but i have to fancy & compatabilityis needed!

After our day yesterday & we kissed after she sayed 'just friends', i got all questioning as i thought it was progressing & she had to stay as she couldn't get home, but there was an uncomfortable silence all night, she can't express herself & gets annoyed as English isn't her 1st language!

I just hate how i am & am scared of being alone, & i hate this! :(

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CaringGuy, you must be my alter-ego. We need to be patient and let things progress naturally, without trying to push things to the next level.


Trust the relationship instead of demanding to know when you will see or hear from her next, or where you stand.


Fill your thoughts some other way, find a distraction when you feel yourself losing control.


Don't be afraid of being alone.

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I don't think you are in-love so soon as you just want to be in-love.


You need other activities in your life and don't just abandon them when a girl comes around. Make her part of your world not your complete world.

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LB @ 40 Hi

Your right, we must be patient, but when they don't reply your texts or something is burning away inside to be said & that anxious feeling comes along of paranoia or doubt.

The same things came from her mouth last night, when she was getting a text or something i was wondering. Like i want to know what is going on in her head about me!

I felt lead on as we had this whirlwind start, she kissed me, we went to a restaurant & admited to each other we were dating, i remember it now it was so unbelievable as she is wonderful!, sat there with her, me witha big cheesy grin of pride!

Taking it all so seriously. 3 days i felt like that!, then wondered why she wanted to cool things, that time she had second thoughts! Friends the other day, but still kissing!

Now, i'm aso anxious & upset!

I do have depression & this is unnatural i know, but sleep is all that helps me.


I know your right, maybe i'm abnormal, just sensitive & serious & will forever be alone most likely.

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Oh jesus...


CG...how old are you?


I think you are young and I really REALLY want to tell you what time it is but I want to know who I'm dealing with here...



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As i say, i have an anxiety problem, i'm mature, have a life, but it affects relationships, makes me too dependent. I get too involved & it strengthens me, as i find it difficult at the mo to be that way by myself.

I have a friennd of 34 year old that is dead now, but who's wife leaft him because of his codependence & illness that he couldn't help!

He was older than me, but age is insignificant.

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