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3 problems that maybe linked... any suggestions?

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i have three problems.. and i think they maybe linked:


1) i have fairly oily skin, but i dont get many spots so thats a good thing, but i often find when i wake up that my face is very greasy : (


2) i sweat alot but only under my arms which makes it very concentrated to the point it stains clothes and smells really stong


3) i had a yeast infection a couple of months back and since then "down south" hasnt been the same but it has been better, some days its completly fine and others its really "cheesy" and smells stongly,sometimes when i go to the bathroom and wipe i get a long sticky mucus type string that is coming from inside my vagina.


i really dont know what to do, can anyone suggest anything that may help?

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Hmm...well I suffer from #1 and #2 but not #3, so I'm not sure if they are linked.


1) For my oily face, I wash it twice a day and use a moisturizer that's specifically for oily skin (Biore is wonderful). This helps substantially.


2) Use an anti-persperant (not a deodorant). I usually keep a small sample/travel size in my purse and re-apply as I need to.


3) #3 is definately a case for your gyno. Keep a dated record of the changes in your discharge and bring it to your appointment. I also heard that drinking cranberry juice (and of course lots of water) can help clean out your system. If you sweat a lot, the water is a good idea to keep you hydrated.


Hope this helped and good luck!

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I suffer from all three, but let me ask for the third one are you usually within 3 days of your cycle? If it's all the time talk with your OBGYN ... but I recommend drinking a glass of cranberry juice (plain cranberry juice - not the crangrape and such)...


If keeping yourself hydrated and drinking the cranberry juice doesn't help bring it up as soon as you can. I suffer from issues like polycystic ovarian disease .. dont know if its related to the problem but when I drink cranberry juice and go when I start to feel the need I have no issues.

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