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We broke up 4 years ago and every year he try to do a recontact and I always risk of falling into it, what to do I moved on ?


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Hi, I had an amazing relationship with this boy. We were two people who went throught horrible things and we saved each other. But at some point something went bad and he broked with me brutally, I was in depression and he helped me a lot but when it was practically finished he went away. He did for job's things, it was a long distance relationship.

Now, we don't hate each others and we still love each others (maybe just not more in the same way) but I had move on and I don't know for him. We just send the classic "happy birthday" and go on.

The problem is: each year at some point he do something for flirt. Not necessarily blatantly but more something like "do you hear this person went there" and is almost impossible it was unintentional. Sometimes he post a song important for us, another time... I don't know small things but even my friends they notice this.

In the early time I was mad, now I don't watch them but each time I feel like I could give him a second chance (what obviusly I would not do!).

What is the best thing to do? After him only toxic relationships (too much of them) so is pretty easy fall in his trap but I don't want... if he is ex there's a motivation!

Edited by LessMoreLessLove
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If you don't want him to keep reappearing and trying to flirt with you, I think you have two options. One is to explicitly tell him to stop communicating with you in that way. The second is to block him.

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I had forgot, sorry I didnt slept enuff, as artist we share the same network. I don't think I need to tell him what I clearly told him two years ago and I think not get in touch and avoid him is already enough!!!

But due to my job I cannot block him or completely avoid him... we share the same network and that's the only way to work in our relatively small city. In this city everybody know everybody so if he is in town in a few time I know it as many peopla are asking us to collaborate since only tge closer to us knew aboit us but I always avoid and I think it is enuff for understand to stop.

When he is abroad no problems, now he is in town and he did the classic "game"... I'm wondering what is tge trigger tbh, since there isn't a specific timing.

But I do everything I can, I don't want to tell him to stop because I'm doing no contact... but at club, doing aperitif I cannot avoid him in any way. That's the problem. My friends know and they are doing it but I cannot force them to being exclusively my friends especially since he is an amazing person.

I just don't understand him doing this... what does he think to achieve?

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