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YOU WRITE: "my boyfriend of one year has broken up with me becuase i cheated on him and i don't know what to do"


There's nothing you can do...or undo. The damage has been done. The trust is gone.


Well, there is one thing you can do...and you must. Forgive yourself. Understand we are all human beings and we do make mistakes. The unfortunate part about making mistakes is that we must also pay the consequences, which you are doing.


Resolve to do better next time. If you feel compelled to cheat on a partner, it's a sign you are not completely happy and fulfilled in that relationship for some reason. Break up with the person so you can see others without guilt.


But, for now, all you can do is forgive yourself and let things go. Feeling guilty is pretty much a waste of time. Just try to do things a little differently in the future.


Not much I say is going to make you feel better now. Just remember, when you're in a committed relationship the price for a little on the side is way way more than it's worth.

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hi babygirl,


i guess i don't need to tell you that when you cheat on a person, you can't expect them to want to take you back. the partner who is cheated on suffers a great blow to their self-esteem, their trust in their partner, their faith in their partner, and of course, they feel betrayed.


as much as this hurts you right now, try to look at this as a learning experience. you know you did the wrong thing, and you can make sure you do everything in your power to make sure you do not do anything like this again.


if you ever feel the desire to cheat on a partner again, ask yourself is the relationship you have worth throwing away over a moments passion? is it fair to betray and hurt your partner like that? are you really ready to be in a monogamous relationship? why do you want to cheat on this person?


while it is totally normal to find other people attractive, even when we are in love, whether or not you act on that attraction is an entirely different story. when you are in a relationship, you always have to consider someone else. and if the desire to cheat is too strong, then get out of that relationship quick smart. you wouldn't want to put yourself and another person through this again.


best wishes :)

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If you wanted to be with him, why'd you cheat on him??


There's nothing you can do now, except to move on, and not cheat on anyone again.


Wait until some guy you like cheats on you. Then you'll understand why your boyfriend broke up with you.

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