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Okay - I'm usually pretty good about dropping wieght quickly but I do it all the wrong way. Or so my mom tells me. Last year I dropped forty pounds in four months by cutting my intake drastically and eating under 1000 calories and walking for two hours. I also gained it all back +10 pounds when I gave in to the first sweet I saw (which was a piece of my birthday cake)


So now I'm trying again. I'm just trying to avoid bread because it's not worth having... and trying to spread my meals out to every three hours and making them small. But I'm getting to where 2 1/2 hours in I start shaking, feeling sick and need to eat. How can I get over this hump again? Cause the old tricks don't work for me.


Thank you!


Oh and my goal is to lose 15-20 pounds by mid-february. :bunny:

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Healthy weightloss is 2 lbs per week ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM. If you starve your body it will start eating fat to sustain itself, true, but it will think that you litterally are starving so it will store any little thing it can to keep you from dying basically, which is why you gain it back so easily. Never eat fewer than 1200 calories a day and eat a few more than that if you plan on exercising. For heavens sake, talk to your Doctor, they are the best person to help you come up with a plan, minus "tricks", that will be safe and healthy and really work for you. good luck

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What Tangerina said about starving yourself is very true.


You should also ensure that you are eating enough every 3 hours and the right type of foods. The shaking could be partly due to the fact that your metabolism is speeding up. Ensure you eat some high fuel carbs like brown bread or brown pasta, brown rice, seeds, nuts etc. These are all things which will fuel your body for longer.


About 6 meals spread out every 3 hours is good. But make sure you're eating the right things.

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I kind of take back the thing about not eating fewer than 1200 calories... it actually can stimulate your metabolism if you eat a little less than average one day of the week and then eat a bit more than average another day of the week to keep your body from getting into a rut, but the "more" day is as important as the "less" day for it to work and a min of 1200 calories on average is a good rule...

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