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why doesn't anybody believe me???


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this is kinda for ryan....


i know my ex loves me...yes, he has done mean things to me but there was also a time were he has only done nice things...their was a time when i felt the rush of falling in love..their was a time where we opened up to each other and told our darkest secrets..all the things about falling in love, i know about..i know he loves me....maybe it ain't meant to be....but i know he loves me....because when i think about it i don't second guess myself.....i don't believe you can fully love a person without them loving you back....yes you can start to love a person but when it is true love both of you are in love with each other.......and i have expiereced that and noone believes me because of what my ex has done to me...they think that if he treated you that way then he don't love you.....but that is not true.....i know he loves me, but he doesn't have a clue to what he wants in life......but that doesn't mean i am going to set here and wait on him...........so "yes" ryan i know he loves me...

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He might love you, or he "might have loved" you. Why is everybody telling you that he doesn't love you? You should try to see what others are seeing in his actions than what you want to believe in. It seems like you are trying to convince yourself too hard that he loves you because if you face the truth, it would hurt too much. I have no doubt that he loved you, and probably he still does in a weird way. But if he doesn't treat you in a way a truly loving one does, you should reconsider your relationship. You can never change a person. My life experience tells me that once people treat you a certain way (like with disrespect,) it's really hard to change that attitude. It's sad.

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