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my boyfriend

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I am so very confused but beginning to slowly understand. My boyfriend and I have been together for 1 year and a half, we have always kinda argued but nothing terrible, and as in all relationships we have good times and bad. My boyfriend is in a band and i am an actor and we have always chersihed the mutual understanding we have had, but he went on tour this past april and i have to admit I want wasn't as supportive as i should have been. We kinda had a rough couple of months after that.. he was depressed about having to come back home to his normal everyday life and he would always say i was the only highlight to coming back.. anyway so recently he broke up with him and at first i was totally shocked and didn't understand, he has always hated arguing and most of the time i must admit i can be kinda stubborn. He said he was sad and that couldn't be what i wanted right now.. again I have to admit i am a little demanding sometimes. But after almost two weeks we still talk and hang out and he has told me he loves me and misses me. Me being the girl i am... I kept trying to rehash everything and he doesn't want that. So i finally asked him what do you want and he said he wants us to hang out and have a great time together... and now it seems like we are flirting again.. and i think he has other problems and he just wants us to be a good thing not a problem and i think the more we hang out and its great sooner or later we will have fixed our problem without ever intentionally doing it?... He also pays me compliments all the time still calls me sweetheart and darling.....I am confused... what do you think???

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I think your guy doesn't want any bs in a relationship. If you are the one who has been starting the bickering, grow up and stop it. If you have a problem with him, discuss it civilly and resolve conflicts with a degree of kindness and open-mindedness.


Some guys like chaos all the time and wouldn't mind if you argued constantly. It sounds like this guy is more mature and prefers mostly peace and stability. If you can't provide that for him, go find a guy who likes to be upset a lot.

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I gotta agree with what Tony wrote.


Don't go out picking fights with him when there really isn't anything to argue about. Don't set such high demands and expectations or you'll never meet the right guy.


This guy sounds great and I don't see anything wrong with him. The reason he wants to be good friends with you is because he cares about you and likes you but he can't deal with the things you do while you two are dating.


So if you want to make it work out, you better shape up real quick and stop the nagging and the arguing and whatever else was causing problems before.

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