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Ghosted after 3rd date


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I met this guy from Tinder. We chatted a lot for few weeks, had two great dates. Everything went well and after 2nd date he asked me if I want to have dinner at his place. I agreed. He made dinner for me, we talked a lot and he kissed me. We cuddled. Yes, he wanted more…But I don’t wanted to have sex, it was too soon for me. He doesn’t pushed me for that. After the date he drove me back to my place. The next day he texted me late in the evening how was my day etc. I asked him about his day and said we will chat next day, because I was really tired (long day at work, I work at the hospital). He wrote “You are going to sleep when I finnaly have a free time :) “ In the morning I texted him “Yeah, we need to make free time and chat”. And that’s it. He didn’t write me first from that day. Next day I asked him if everything is ok and how is he. He just wrote “oh, I am really busy, I have so much work to do”. I asked him when he will have free time and he didn’t answered anymore. It was a week when he didn’t text me anymore. Maybe you have suggestions why I have been ghosted? 

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You haven't been ghosted per se, he replied to your message and then you both stopped texting. Clearly this guy has just lost interest and performed slow fade on you hoping that you will get a hint. Could be for many different reasons, maybe he operates 3 dates rule, but it doesn't really matter. Happened to any of us. Just delete his number and start chatting with other men.

Also dont accept man's invitation for home date if you are not ready for sex. Sends a wrong message. Better go out instead.

Edited by Marka
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I would suggest not to accept dinner at a man's place unless you're ready for sex.  He offered to make you dinner at his place for the 3rd date and probably expected sex and since it didn't happen and then you were too tired to even have a conversation with him, he quickly lost interest. I would move on if I were you because he doesn't think you're compatible.

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5 hours ago, lostgirl01 said:

So you think there is no way to make him interested again? :(

why would you want to do it? date men who naturally interested in you. This one is not. He maybe was looking for sex primarily, inviting to his house on second date is very cheeky. would be worse being slow faded/ghosted after having sex with him, so you can consider it lucky escape.

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1 hour ago, stillafool said:

I would suggest not to accept dinner at a man's place unless you're ready for sex.  He offered to make you dinner at his place for the 3rd date and probably expected sex and since it didn't happen and then you were too tired to even have a conversation with him, he quickly lost interest. I would move on if I were you because he doesn't think you're compatible.

it doesnt sound his interest was too strong to begin with tbf

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8 hours ago, Marka said:

it doesnt sound his interest was too strong to begin with tbf

Who texted last? 

He probably thinks you aren't into him. No sex and perhaps he feels you aren't into him either.

Or he just not into you either

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He clearly was mainly looking for sex and lost interest when he didn't get it. As others have said don't accept a dinner date at a guys house unless you are ready to go to bed with him.

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20 hours ago, lostgirl01 said:

So you think there is no way to make him interested again? :(

You tried......

5 hours ago, lostgirl01 said:

I texted last. I asked him how is he and maybe he want to meet me. I didn’t get the answer to these texts

This is the answer to your question.

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The right person for you will view you through the right lens. He'll be interested in getting to know you beyond how quickly you're willing to have sex with him.

Keep dating on neutral ground unless and until you trust him and feel ready to be sexual with him. The right man for you will be okay with that. All others will screen themselves out early, which is a favor to you rather than an insult.

You're only looking for the RIGHT man, correct? (If so, what would be worth trying to preserve with the wrong ones?)

Edited by Leihla_B
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I would get the impression sex was really all he was after...he probably would have ghosted if you anyways. You dodged a bullet. 

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If he was really keen up until you declined the sex, then started to change his usual texting pattern… he was only after a bit. 

As it’s not what you want… lucky escape. As others have said, he’d have had sex with you and still ghosted 👻 by the looks of it. 

delete &  move on - plenty more fish in the sea 

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