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Playboy magazines


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I wanted to know if it was normal for a man whom I have been seeing for 4 years now to keep a stack of playboy magazines in his room.




He has been hiding this from me and I found out through him telling me finally that he looks at these magazines.




Is it normal for me to feel hurt because of the fact that I don't feel I am at all a sexual turn on for him. Do alot of men out there who are with girlfriends still read that stuff??




I know there is nothing wrong with it, but somehow I feel kinda upset about it?? Could someone please help!



Does it mean that he really is secretly fantasizing about other women when we have sex??




I would really appreciate it if someone could help me.





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Don't let it bother you or take it personally. Many men look at Playboy magazines and have a few in their rooms. It is completely normal.


Just ignore it and don't make a big deal out of it at all. Think of it as just a hobby or a "guy thing". And be thankful that they are just Playboy magazines. It's probably one of the cleaner magazines out there.


There are some very dirty porn magazines out there. And there are many disgusting porn-related junk on the internet. Now if he's spending lots of time viewing porn on the net or is obsessed with the magazines, then you may have a bigger problem to deal with.


But his stack of magazines hidden in his room is very harmless, I'm sure.


Many guys I know look at those magazines, and most of them have girlfriends. It has nothing to do with that. One of my friends has the hottest girlfriend, yet he still looks at those magz. So don't feel bad and don't be hurt. I'm sure you turn him on sexually and meet his every need. But it's just one of those things that they'll still enjoy looking at.

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Hi, I wanted to know if it was normal for a man whom I have been seeing for 4 years now to keep a stack of playboy magazines in his room. He has been hiding this from me and I found out through him telling me finally that he looks at these magazines. Is it normal for me to feel hurt because of the fact that I don't feel I am at all a sexual turn on for him. Do alot of men out there who are with girlfriends still read that stuff?? I know there is nothing wrong with it, but somehow I feel kinda upset about it?? Could someone please help! Does it mean that he really is secretly fantasizing about other women when we have sex?? I would really appreciate it if someone could help me. Rebecca



Im with you. Those magazines bother me also. Not only do they make you feel like you dont "do it" for your man, but it also encourages men to look at women as nothing more than sexual objects.I guess the only time a man would understand this is if we had to run our closet and sneek a peek at Mr. February's "package" before making love to them.Better yet, put the centerfold right on the ceiling above the bed. Maybe he'll get the message.... but I guarantee, he wont like it. Who says "it's a man's world"!!? Good luck :)



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OK, some guys REALLY get off on looking at naked women. I personally think Playboy has some good things to read in it that are actually written for those that read above the 4th grade level. (as opposed to Penthouse and some of the others) So, would I buy it if there weren't beautiful women on the cover? Maybe. But I think the real issue here is that he hides them from you. I think that is messed up. He should be able to reassure you that he is not looking at them for the reasons you fear.

Hi, I wanted to know if it was normal for a man whom I have been seeing for 4 years now to keep a stack of playboy magazines in his room. He has been hiding this from me and I found out through him telling me finally that he looks at these magazines. Is it normal for me to feel hurt because of the fact that I don't feel I am at all a sexual turn on for him. Do alot of men out there who are with girlfriends still read that stuff?? I know there is nothing wrong with it, but somehow I feel kinda upset about it?? Could someone please help! Does it mean that he really is secretly fantasizing about other women when we have sex?? I would really appreciate it if someone could help me. Rebecca
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So are you saying that I should be forward with him and ask him why he has those kind of magazines stashed away.




Why do you think that it's messed up for him to hide those magazines from me??





OK, some guys REALLY get off on looking at

naked women. I personally think Playboy has some

good things to read in it that are actually written

for those that read above the 4th grade level.

(as opposed to Penthouse and some of the others)

So, would I buy it if there weren't beautiful

women on the cover? Maybe. But I think the real

issue here is that he hides them from you. I think

that is messed up. He should be able to reassure

you that he is not looking at them for the reasons

you fear.





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Well, I just think it either shows he is afraid of your reaction, or he is ashamed of looking at them.

CO, So are you saying that I should be forward with him and ask him why he has those kind of magazines stashed away. Why do you think that it's messed up for him to hide those magazines from me?? Rebecca
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