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I reached out to an ex…

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Me and my ex haven’t spoken in 2 months. She broke up with me in Late July because I was working a job I was away half the year and while I was home I wasn’t making enough effort to see her as I was spending a lot of time with my father who has Alzheimer’s Disease. She said we were drifting apart. I got a job at home now but she has moved 3 hours from the city for a position for a year. On Monday I was visiting family about a half hour from where she is living. I reached out and asked her to meet up for a chat and a coffee. She told me she working all day and after work had to coach a youth volleyball practice and wouldn’t have time. I then wrote her back and said well do you want to meet while I’m in town or not. I realized this was stupid after I said it and wrote back and said “I’m in town until Wednesday if you have some free time we could meet up for a coffee” she said “i‘m so sorry but Tuesday I have work all day and we have another practice for the championships coming up. I won’t have time before Wednesday”. 
So I didn’t reach out after. Is this her polite way of saying I have no interest? I know being “busy” is an avoidance technique but could she actually be too busy. I won’t reach out again as I’m sure if she wants to talk from this point out she knows I am interested and will contact me. I know moving on is the most reasonable step just wondering if there is a flicker of hope here or the flame is completely out. 

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