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I just texted him 7 times now what?

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My live in bf of 10 yrs (3 living together) randomly took his clothes and cars and then 5 days later finally called me and told me he didn't love anymore and didn't want me.  And then my phone died while he was talking! 

I called him back and he didnt answer. So i did what any insane heartbroken girl wld do... I texted and emailed him... 7 times!  He didn't respond. 

He left a wk ago and called 2 days ago. He still has a ton of furniture and televisions and equipment here and I want him to know he can take his stuff anytime soon,  I need to heal w o his stuff lurking in the corners.. But I dont know, is it okay to contact him again, even for that?   

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Is his name on your lease or mortgage?

I'd research local laws and/or speak with your landlord to learn when you can legally change your locks. Then notify him of the date his property is considered abandoned and will be sold unless he informs you of when he intends to pick it up.


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