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fell for a marine

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My life was so good, who am I kidding, it was perfect, I found the guy I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and everything Chuck, until I met Ricky. Now Ricky was my friends ex boyfriend, now I know it was wrong to fall for one of your friends exes, but this girl is 2 faced and shes not a real frined, she cheated on Ricky, and she was a slu*. Ricky is in the marines up in South Carolina, I live in pennslyvania. We talk every day and I fell completely in love with him. I tried to fight my feelings, and in the end it bit me right in the as*. Today I was with Chuck and we ended up having sex and in the middle of it I thought of Ricky and I started to cry. Chuck held me, and I cried in his arms, we ended up breakin up. Now Rickys cell got turned off right before it happened so he doesnt know any of this is going on. It will be turned off for about a week, and I feel so alone. I talked to him for 2 weeks on the phone constantly. Every second of the day, now I have no one to talk to. We'd stay on the phone at 9 til 4:45 in th morning most of the time. Now we talked it over Ricky and I and he loves me too, but he doesnt want to lose me as a friend if something goes wrong. Also I am so upset because in 2 months hes going to Iraq. I should have never fell for a marine, but I did, and its so complicated, because I do love Chuck I really do but it doesnt feel right and I feel bad because Chuck was crying for a few hours, hes so upset. I feel like such a bitc*. And to top it all off, Im crying now, because I want to talk to Ricky so bad. Grrrr!!! Help me please im going crazy

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