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Maybe Some Ideas?

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Aight, I have this beautiful girl whom I met in July at a youth conference with my church on Prince Edward Island, Canada, I live in Nova Scotia, Canada and she lives in Maine, USA. We started talking more and more towards the end of the summer and in September started to talk a lot and it was pretty much as if we were "going steady". In October I went to her house for 9 days and the second day there was when I actually asked "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" she said "Of course." and kissed me again (it was during our first kiss). So our relationship has been going so strong and I just spend 9 days there again over the Christmas break. She's an amazing person and I feel closer and closer to her every day. I'm just wondering about a possible issue of passiveness. I always call her which I understand because I have unlimited long distance and it's 5 cents a minute for her, and I always go there, but her parents aren't allowing her to come visit me yet, so that's understandable also. It just seems like a lot of the time everything that happens in our relationship is because I did it or because I said we should do it. I think that most times she is pretty good at expressing herself and getting across what she wants to say, but when we talk on the phone I drive the conversation always, it's a lot of work sometimes. When I always have to come up with conversation and it seems like I'm just dragging her along. I think I want her to be more assertive, maybe even almost agressive. I like being told what to do and I especially like hearing what she really thinks.


Honestly, I think our relationship it pretty awesome, and a lot better than a lot of other people I see and past relationships I've had. But I'm just wondering if I might find some pointers or tips here that might prove useful in bettering it. Any comments would be appreciated or if there is any details I left out let me know please.


Thanks in advance.

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Maybe she is a really shy person that has not dated alot of guys. In which, could make her not want to start up a conversation.


Since her parents won't let her come and see you yet that is something you will have to not be too angry about because she can't control that. I bet she would love to come see you if she was allowed to . Since you do go see her every now and then is a good thing.


How many guys has she dated before you?? Is she a really quiet person???

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I think she's dated like... well 5-10 people before me I think, maybe more like 7 or 8. But we're only 16, so I don't think that's it. And she really isn't shy, she talks quite a bit, just might not have a lot of experience truly expressing herself.

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