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ok im 14 turning 15 in 1 month, and all year in school i liked this 15 year old girl, shes a video gamer like me and she loves animation, i like her and she likes me but, i never told her i "loved" her, i want to but i get to shy so...this week i went to the store and bought her a game she was supposed to get for christmas but never got it. I was thinking of giving it to her on monday but i want to say something to her that will let her know i love her, what should i do? plz help me

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If I were you, I'd hold onto that game for a little bit. Take your time here. There's no need to tell her you love her just yet.


How about you keep that game for yourself, and ask her to come over to play it with you (I guess it depends on the game). I think you should avoid "too much too soon" with this girl.


You're obviously close, so has she done or said anything to make you think she looks at you as more than a friend? If she hasn't you could flirt just a bit with her and see how she responds. If she doesn't respond well, then pull back a bit and keep moving forward with the friendship (a relationship could very well blossom in the future), and if she responds favorably, then great. You can join me in the "should I risk the friendship by telling her how I feel" boat. ;)

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well i doubt its love when your turning 15 sorry


its more like learning that girls are actually pretty and people you want to be more then just friends with.


i wouldnt give her that game dude, its not the best thing to give away (thats like 50 bucks! well if its a new game which i bet it is right?) and still... at your age, videogames are more entertaining then girlfriends.:lmao:


just keep hanging out with her and shiz and you'll find the right time to say what you gotta

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