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Monday Blues

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YOU WRITE: "god i hate Mondays. what should i do to drive the blues away?"


Get a magic marker and block out all the Mondays on your calendar.


Aspirin is also helpful. (Use as directed)


Taking a double dose of an excellent laxative will take your mind off of everything, no matter what day it is.

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No matter where, work, friends, I always feel as if I'm the most insignificant one out the croud. Like would anyone notice if i was gone?


Why do i feel this way? Seems like my friendship is not important or matter at all


I know i'm not a bad person, i always try to be there for anyone who needs a hand. Am I oversensitive or do other people feel that way too? It's important that I fit like I "fit in"

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First of all, you better change your attitude. It's a cruel world out there and nobody wants to be with someone who's down on themselves. Stop feeling so sorry for yourself.


Go out and get some books on self esteem. You can find them in the self help section of most bookstores.


If you don't like yourself, how are other people supposed to like you? The only way to get friends is to like yourself enough to feel you're worthy of friends.


If you give this spill to the people you meet, they will run away as fast as possible.


So skip the pitty party, start thinking better of yourself, and get out there...hold your head high...and kick the world's ass!!!

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Since i don't like to socialize with my bf's mom and meeting with bf's mom is tougher than dealing with my nasty boss and clinents


1) How do a guy feel and handle it if his gf doesn't like his mother?


2) What should i do?

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