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Crack-heads suck....

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So I just spent the last 3 hours being hit on by crackheads... this one guy at my party was explaining to me how to make crack and when I mentioned something about my BF he goes "oh man, you too, I am really striking out tonight"... since when is explaining how to make your own crack the way to woo a girl?.... so then I am left in the room with 2 of them while everyone else goes outside to smoke cigs... so I am am sitting on the couch with one under separate blankets and some guy comes and takes mine away and puts one over both of us so I am under a blanket with this other guy who was totally hitting on me and he says "don't worry, I'll behave" and I say "you better!!!" and now I decided to retreat to my room for bed when the first guy starts whispering this whole poem talking about his "stupid Jap girlfriend" that he wants to marry and I am so mad and telling him "geez, it really sounds like you don't respect her, how could you want to marry her?" and he is just telling me about how he yelled at her dad about how we dropped the bomb on them.... and then he starts whispering this poem about how he likes to hear the words from a beautiful woman, tell me your words, etc.... so I say actually, I need to go to bed, goodnight, nice to meet you!! so now I am in my room with a bit of stuff piled against the door wondering how our Nintendo party turned into a gathering of crackheads.... and now my room mate and her boyfriend who she just got back together with yesterday are shouting at each other in the next room because he is mad that she is smoking cigs.... the only good thing is that I got told I was hot or cute by about 4 people, but I just wish my BF was here and not at his Search and Rescue training so he could hold me and remind me of the good men... all the guys I went to high school with, sure some had big problems but they were all respectful and kind.... what is with these a**h***s? a guy who calls his beautiful GF a "stupid jap" doesn't deserve a girlfriend... he makes her grow weed for him to sell and doesn't give her any, this is so screwed up. How did these people end up at my house..... it also makes me wish my BF didn't do hard drugs on occasion.... even though you couldn't really call him an anything head because he doesn't do it enough, after tonight I am so icked out by these druggies.... grrrrr............

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PS... I don't mean "crackhead" just as an insult, I mean for real these guys are on crack and coke and one is a dealer, WTF are they doing at our sweet Nintendo and beer party?


PPS and I am hungry and don't want to go back out there on account of the crackheads and the room mate and BF fighting so I am going to eat some hershey's kisses that I got for X-mas, yay

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How did these people end up at my house.....

Why don't YOU answer that question because that's what I'm wondering...were they your room-mate's friends? Also, don't feel so sorry for the "jap" (how could he call his gf that derogatory name?) that crackhead wants to marry if she let's him yell at her dad and grows weed for him, she doesn't sound like a winner herself. And it's true sometimes being around low-lifes reminds you to appreciate the normal people, whatever that means. And that is terrible your boyfriend does hard drugs on occassion, it could become more frequent. Try to stay away from it. I hope your they weren't fighting for too long next door...:) PS I got hershey's kisses for xmas too! yay.

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Haha, Hershey kisses do rock!!! I think they guy's girlfriend doesn't speak English and that is part of it... grr... when I wrote that last night I was just really crabby and kinda venting cuz I was fed up. The one guy who is the dealer, my room mate met him on a Greyhound bus and invited him for some reason... he was kind of annoying and really crazy but I felt like he was harmless, but this other guy that I was sitting on the couch with? I have aboslutely no idea who he came with because at one point a lot of people just showed up because they saw a gathering at our house and he was sitting way too close to me and giving me really creepy vibes and kept trying to sit up against me... if he had gone just a little further and actually touched me with his hand I would have smacked him....


Yah, and the fighting did go on for a long time, they were still yelling as of 8 this morning... I think they might decide to stay broken up....


My BF experiented with drugs way more as kind of a "depressed teenager" but now that he is grown up and in college I think it has become extrememly occasional... he hasn't done anything intense since we have been together anyways... 6 months... so that is good...

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Don`t mean to get religious on you but this saying is on the spot for your situation:


Sin will carry you farther than you ever intended to go.


Get that bunch out of your life. You are treading a fine line when that sort is hanging out in your place. Learn to separate yourself from it.

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Thanks for the advice, but don't worry about me, these people aren't in my life, they are just some jerks who showed up at my Nintendo party... I don't do that stuff and all of my real friends are very positive people... I just made that post late at night when I was really grumpy that those a**h***s showed up and were hitting on me and I was sad about the room mate and her BF fighting again.....

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