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The Lonely 'Thing'


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Laughing so hard right now, -but so glad I said what I did, -it was therapy for me as well, although I was actually referring to your realization of your feelings at the beginning.




See there? -we can still laugh, after all!


And that's a v-e-r-y good thing.





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Laughjing so hard right now, -but so glad I said what I did, -it was therapy for me as well.


See there? -we can still laugh, after all!


And that's a v-e-r-y good thing.






Laughing is good therapy!



Here's something for you....


> Can't remember the last time I laughed out loud for a top ten list, but


> one did it.... personally I liked #2 best I laughed out loud!!!!!


>> Top Ten most Polite Ways to Say Your Zipper Is Down....by David



>> 10. The cucumber has left the salad.


>> 9. Quasimodo needs to go back in the tower and tend to his bells.


>> 8. You need to bring your tray table to the upright and locked

> position.


>> 7. Paging Mr. Johnson... Paging Mr. Johnson.. (I don't get this one!)??


>> 6. Elvis is leaving the building.


>> 5. The Buick is not all the way in the garage.


>> 4. Our next guest is someone who needs no introduction.


>> 3. You've got a security breach at Los Pantalones.


>> 2. Men may be From Mars.....but I can see something that rhymes

>>with Venus.


>> And the #1 way to tell someone his zipper is unzipped.....


>> 1. I always knew you were crazy, but now I can see your nuts.

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Now, I'm laughing and peeing on myself...look what you made me do!


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


Thank you for that, Calgal!





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Something only a real man would know.




Thanks, Caliguy....




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Welcome back, rio.


After reading the post about starting a business. I got a clearer idea on my "ex" in that I helped her confidence to start a business, was her best friend, and younger male chaser.


Oh well...

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Johnson is a guy's way of referring to their "tool."


Such clarity now, I had no idea! Never heard that one before (why Johnson? - just wondering?)



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Such clarity now, I had no idea! Never heard that one before (why Johnson? - just wondering?)




We have always called it a Johnson..


Google big johnson t-shirts..


there is a huge series of t-shirts in cartoon form that has been around for almost 15 years.


They are not adult shirts.. but make reference to the Johnson

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There's always interesting information on here...(Smile)...I learn something new nearly everytime I enter the site.


Females, also, name 'theirs' -but the names are mostly very cute, kittenish, names, -showing affection towards their own bodies...kind of like a pet they adore.



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Ok Rio and Cal Gal -- you both walked in to this one, and I can't resist... what did you name yours? :cool:


Mine was named "Fred." Don't ask me why..... many, many years ago my first-ever girlfriend thought it was funny, and nobody (including myself) has thought to re-name him since. :p

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Ok Rio and Cal Gal -- you both walked in to this one, and I can't resist... what did you name yours? :cool:


Mine was named "Fred." Don't ask me why..... many, many years ago my first-ever girlfriend thought it was funny, and nobody (including myself) has thought to re-name him since. :p



Puddy and the twins, is what my ex always called them.... sometimes he would say "how's the pudder?"

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Puddy and the twins, is what my ex always called them.... sometimes he would say "how's the pudder?"


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


I'm going to have to remember that one!

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'Butta-fly'....but I notice someone else on the boards with that nick.


Secret's out.





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'Butta-fly'....but I notice someone else on the boards with that nick.


Secret's out.






Butta-fly, as in "Butterfly" with a southern "twang"? I like that! Geez, its only 11:00 on a Saturday.... I'd better go distract myself with something...

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Southern as fried chicken.




Now go distract yourself.


(Smile, again)



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Another stranger here...couldn't help replying because you are a professional in a category I need. Maybe your increased abilities are a result of your experience with men/life.(I very much think so)


When I have an unsatisfied need, I address people who seem a cut above the normal understanding of how our chemical and physical problems arise. Even though you have (no doubt) very much progressed from the message below, I would welcome your thoughts. If you wish, pull me along at excite dot com will put you in touch with a stranger. Hint: I found you here because you left open directions on another site to do so. Either way...I enjoyed the public you




OK, -so I'm lonely.


I'm not the kind of girl that has to be, -I could have someone here to take his place, if I wanted that.


It would be so nice to feel that closeness with someone right now, even if I knew they didn't truly care.


It would be nicer to know they did.


But I want him.


I want him standing in front of me, towering over me; I want to feel his breath on my neck and skin against skin.


I want that electricity -that energy that surged between us- back.


And I wonder if that kind of chemistry can ever be created with anyone else.


I remind myself to make stark comparisons and tell myself this was only a small 'appetizer' and that the entre' is yet to come, -anything to minimize how enormously important and consuming it was.


I may cry.


I struggle with it.


But, no, -I'm not going to call...or email...or anything.


I WANT to, -I'm DYING to.


But I won't.


I've washed the car, cleaned the fridge, and dusted the varnish right off the furniture.


I've done all my errands, managed to give myself a pedicure, and even thought about painting the walls.


I've worked all the overtime my body can handle, walked a hundred miles in the park, and made it a point to extend myself rather generously to others, -but still, I'm lonely.


My mind wants to go into this sneaky 'instant-replay' mode where I think of him and all of his 'wonderfulness'.


I almost fall for it before I take it back and make myself think of something else....I win.


But I am afraid of losing.


If I allow myself to get sucked into the memories of him, I lose.


So I guess I'll have to paint those walls, after all, -instead of just thinking about it.







"Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity."

-Henry Van Dyke

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Tell someone where you hang out and...


Your Qoute:

" the public you.."


Maybe you got the wrong idea...the 'public' me states I have kids, work, home-life, hobbies & interests, etc....i.e. LS is just one.


Public profiles often do that.


And this 'unsatisfied need' of yours...at the moment, (is so vaguely mentioned, but I'm frowning on the possible negativeness of the whole thing and what you may be insinuating) -doesn't interest me (I'm 45 and way past my wilder days)...but if you have a real problem you want to discuss here, I'll discuss it openly, and with as much wisdom and experience as I have.


So 'bring it on'!




As for anyone's professional career being used openly on here as the platform from which they give their advice, no one is silly enough to do that, -at least, not me.


Now, back up, politely rephrase your whole query -this time actually giving me the question- and leaving out all the rest of your comments, -and I'll be happy to muster enough forgiveness to gracefully give you what I know.


P.S. And as for my own 'unsatisfied needs', -if you read my thread, you know that I have that already covered.





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And speaking of 'needs'...An Update.


The Transitional Guy is on vacation this week, visiting with his son in Orlando.


He has called several times to say 'hello'.


Thoughtful guy, -communicates fairly well.


Meanwhile, I realize that, with his absence, I am actually doing OK.


I have heard from B** a few times, via random, practically meaningless messages, (still surprised he sends them), -but nothing has changed.


I suspect, knowing myself a little better, now -that it won't.


Everyday just makes it more clear that there was much there that I would have never understood, no matter how hard I tried.


After all, if someone, (namely, B**, in my case) won't- or can't- communicate with you, you're going to always wind up with a serious misunderstanding here and there, aren't you?




What can be said about it?




It can be, both the thing that separates you from being the most intimate you can be, -or it can cause such a tight understanding that you wind up taking each other for granted, thinking you know everything there is to know about each other.


So it's a double-edged sword, -not to be taken lightly.


We choose not to communicate, a lot of the time, because of fear of exposing our true selves, -afraid of not being accepted by someone we want to keep around.


Fact is, they probably already know or suspect what we think we're hiding, anyway, -so we just squirm around with our secrets, causing ourselves a lot of trouble.


Some of those things we think we're hiding are normally the first things our partner sees, -or at least, sees after a short time in building up the relationship.


It isn't just you, who will be wrestling with these little secrets, either, -so will they.


As I've said before in, at least, one of my posts, those bothersome 'little' things get stored for future reference.


In an argument or disagreement, they often get brought out and thrown up on the table for -er, discussion.


They are the kinds of things that can turn into really big issues and begin the breakdown of a pretty good relationship.


And that says a lot for how important communication is from the very beginning, doesn't it?


Just a few thoughts, -you can add yours on the subject, if you have any.





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It's been weeks since I posted in this thread and it looks like it's time for an update.


The Transitional Guy has done his work and there is no longer a need for his 'support'.


It was/is important to keep that phase short, -only lasting long enough to ease from the lonely feeling and keep things down to a bare minimum in the department wherein he functioned.


He's a great guy and we will remain friends.


The two main, important things is that he did what he was supposed to, -we both did as we promised- and neither one of us are having to deal with any 'baggage' from the short connection.


I feel better.


I feel stronger.


I feel as if I am standing (finally) on more solid ground and -hey- I can smile again, -the kind of smile that doesn't have this looming gray cloud behind it.


I'm feeling more like 'me'.


Am I totally, completely recovered from my break-up?


Answer: No, but I can feel me 'getting there'. (Smile)


Do I still think about 'him'?


Yes, -but less and less as the days go by.


Do I still feel any love for him?


Now that's a question that becomes a danger to begin answering....it only makes you look back and it's kind of like you see this pile of stuff you used to cuddle waaaaay back there in the dark distance -and, for an instant, you have this urge to run back and rescue it and clutch it to your chest, but there's only one path to get to it, and it's covered with broken glass and fiery coals....


Thing is, -if you were to be foolish enough to make that trek, you'd find that the pile of stuff has rotted and is, now, teeming with creepy, crawly things, anyway, -certainly not worth it.


Those things from the past, the lost love(s), the magnificent hurts- all do, in fact, become a sort of 'fertilizer' which enriches the soil of our experience.


And that's where they should be, once you have dealt with them: in the ground of the past... buried.


It's just a kind of cycle that happens with those experiences; if they're turned back into the soil, they simply help to build you up again, in the most unexpected way.


They make you stronger.


They absolutely do contribute something positive back into your life, if you allow a proper 'burial'.


B** will always be a part of my memory, I have certainly, more than faced the impact of his presence in my life, and accepted the good and bad of it, I have also wrestled with the all the possibilities, failure, unfairness, and exhausted all the acute emotions I am capable of.


It's over.


And I accept it.


And I am breathing in air from a forward-facing direction.





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Rio -- good to see you coming out of the other end of the tunnel! I'm also relieved to hear that Mr. Transition is apparently able to handle the fact that his role is over. A rare man indeed.


I guess this means that we'll now get to follow some more active threads in the dating section from you? ;)


Take care -- NMS

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