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How do I tell my husband that had an affair that I want a divorce?

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It was almost a year ago when I found out my husband had a 2 year affair. I thought we would reconcile but he refused to end the affair and go to marriage counseling. I ended going to therapy at one point and I plan to go back. A few months ago he said he ended the affair but later on I found out he met up with her. We have 2 kids and get along most of the time but I have a hard time trusting him and I been doing my research about divorce. It seems like lawyers ask for alot of money and we actually can't afford it. I know he doesn't want the divorce and sees a future together but I don't know if I do. How do I bring up filing for divorce? 

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There's no secret to it.  You will just need to sit down with him and say your piece.   It will be wise for you to find out your options in advance.  I don't know where you are, but in the US it's possible to divorce through a mediation process and keep it out of court.  You will need a lawyer to help you look out for your interests, division of assets etc.  It would be a good idea to talk with one in advance so you will know what you will be dealing with.

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A hard time trusting him?  How can you trust him at all?  Get the divorce.  There is no possible way that your marriage can ever be healthy.  He's not going to stop cheating.  They never do.

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