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How do you move on

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I know it's not easy to get back to yourself to feel happy and excited. And I truly don't know how to feel. High-school girlfriend didn't work out the first time and tried again a few years later on and I guess it just didn't work. I'll be lying if I said I don't think about her. Miss her and I still love her. I don't call I don't message I realized decided that she doesn't want it and it's a hard reality but it is what it is. I'm just trying to move on from it. Maybe start back dating doing things and getting my life back together. What would you say are some things you guys did to move on from the heartbreak. Slowly get yourself back together. 

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I'm glad to see you're working on getting your life together.  Looking at your last post, the thing most required was addressing your alcohol use.   Have you quit?  Or started alcohol counselling?

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