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I don't even know where to start

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A few days ago, my mom passed away. I’ve also cut ties with my dad because of years of abuse towards me and her, and honestly, I just don’t have the strength for anything. But to be honest I came here to write this because I recently found out that the person I’ve been in love with is in a relationship with someone else while being with me. it was the final blow to me.It’s killing me, physically. I know it may sounds pathetic but I feel completely drained, I dont have any bit of strength in me after my mother's death and it’s taking everything in me just to respond to his messages ( I reconnected with him after one of my friends gave him one of my socials so he could reach out to me because I was taking care of my mother in her last moments of her life and I just distancing myself from everyone ) But now that I have this confirmation that he has another girl while being with me, I feel stuck. I know I need to leave, but I don’t know how. I’ve always hated the idea of leaving quietly without saying anything, but for the first time, I understand why people do it but I dont know if this is the kind of situation where I can actually use it ? or is it better to send him a text to say everything and juste leave him like that ? is there actually a better option? 

I’m honestly open to any suggestions because right now, I don’t even know where to start.

Thank you


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Sorry to hear you're coping with the loss of your mother, the last thing you need is extra grief, so....this guy you've been in love with, obviously he's a liar and a cheating slime ball. Acknowledge that you've been in love with an illusion, and don't give him any room to slither back into your life. You may feel like calling him out and venting your disgust, but if you really want to get a message through to him, just cut him dead with no explanation. There's millions of nice guys in the world, he's not one of them. Take some time out to recover from the loss of your mum, it's perfectly normal to feel drained and flat after the loss of a loved one, so if you feel like slobbing around eating ice cream and feeling miserable, go ahead and do that, you're allowed to grieve. 

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I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom.

Block him everywhere. I doubt expressing your pain to him would accomplish anything. People like him don't feel guilt or feel bad for their actions.

Your mother deserves your tears, not him. 

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I suggest you get some grief counselling first. I know you feel like you should be a trooper and fight your way through this, but you deserve a break to unload this with a therapist even if it's for one session just to get some release. Then when you have some of your strength, pack your stuff up and leave. Send a text, or a letter or give him a phone call...whatever you choose to do...just remember to keep your dignity, head held high. So sorry for your loss. 

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So sorry about the loss of your mom.  I know how that feels.  If you don't live with your ex it should be relatively easy to break up with him.  Just send him a text telling him that due to the loss of your mom and his cheating you no longer want to be in a relationship with him.  Wish him well or don't and then block and delete him from contacting you.

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