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Stay with gf or go abroad

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I’m 18M and my gf 18F are talking about breaking up because i had planned to go abroad for a few months after school. I really love her and i’m willing to stay home and not go but she doesn’t want me to not go because of her. It hurts a ton thinking of losing her and i’m just unsure if i should stay with her and throw away my trip or go on the trip and then lose her. I’m thinking maybe she’s the loml and i don’t wanna throw that away.

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You're 18, go on the trip. There might be a time when you guys reconnect. If it's meant to be, it will be in the future. 

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At 18 years old, you should never make your life plans based around a girlfriend.  Chances are 99% this girlfriend is not the person you will be with the rest of your life.  Don't make her the center of your life.  If there is something you want to do in life, do it.  And this trip is only a few months anyway?  If it's meant to be, you can reconnect when you get back.

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Why do you guys have to break up? It’s not like you’re going away for years. 

If she can’t wait for you a few months, then how can she be the love of your life?

You should go on this trip. If she loves you, she’ll be there for you when you come back. If not, then she isn’t the one for you anyway.

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How long is a few months?   Can she join you for all or part of it? 

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It's only a few months... if you guys can't survive a few months apart, the relationship was never meant to be long term.

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I met my ex-husband at 17. We only had ONE date and he was deployed over sea for 7 months! There was no internet or texting at the time. We wrote good old letters to each other. 

If waiting a few months for you is too much then let her go.

Go on your trip!! Maybe she will wait, maybe she won't, let life happen! 

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Never throw away an opportunity for travel. Does she not want to travel with you? If you think she's the love of your life you would probably know for sure by the end of an extended trip. You'd either be super-bonded or at each other's throats. 

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