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Didn't feel a connection

Adam Davis

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Adam Davis

I've had a number of dates in a row now where the girl said She didn't want to see me again because she didn't feel a connection This has happened too many times in a row to just be a "It's just her kind of thing" There's clearly some mistake That I am making on my part And I can never get My dates to be specific enough to figure it out when they send the text afterwards to explain they didn't "feel it". I would love any suggestions that anyone can give me on where I'm going wrong and how I can actually get a second date in the future

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My daughter's friend told a guy this when breaking up.  He came back a couple of days later saying  "I respect your choice.  May I ask a little more about what happened?  Thing is, women keep telling me the same thing, so I know I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what it is".   

She ended up talking with him and giving the real reason (he was complaining about too many problems and she started to feel like a therapist).  He profusely thanked her and went on his way.  

It may take a little while before you find a woman who's willing to tell you, and when you do, be sure to listen with acceptance

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Can you describe your a typical date in detail? Where do you meet, what do you do, what do you talk about. Try to describe the vibe that you’re giving off. 

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Well it has nothing to do with how you look if you keep getting accepted for dates. Ladies are emotional birds, and they love to be intellectually stimulated. So it's probably your body language and your lack lustre conversations that are turning them away.

Edited by smackie9
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keeping the conversation going is important- say anything even rather than awkward silences,

If you were struggling with this get a bit of homework done and have a  few topics ready to launch into for the next date,

how could you be more interesting- one has to find their way a bit on this and try to come across as more interesting,

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