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I wanted to know what would actualy hapen if you get cought having sex at the movies? Would they call the cops?Will they kick you out what will hapen?And i wanted to ask if anyone ever did that ?

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Actor Paul Reubens, who played Pee Wee Herman on TV and in the movies, was arrested six years ago while having sex (with himself, masturbating) in a theatre in Sarasota, Florida. Since it was his first offense, he was given a fine and probation. His career slipped right through his hands.


If you get caught having sex at the movies by an undercover police detective, you will get arrested. If you get caught by another patron or by an usher, it really depends on what they want to do. If they decide to call the police, you can slip your clothes on and run out of the theatre before police arrive.


If you wait around for the cops, they may just give you a hard time and a lecture or they may take you in, depending on the wishes of management. Some officers will allow you to finish watching the movie, although you will have to do so in handcuffs.


Some movie operators will announce to the audience that a couple has been caught having sex in the theatre. If they have your names, they will announce them...and ask you to stand up. Then the audience will sing "You Ought To Be In Movies" to the two of you.


Many theatres post the names of persons caught having sex at their theatre on a bulletin board in the lobby. There are some theatres that add sexual stimulants to the Coke and popcorn so you will be inclined to want to have sex in the theatre. A notice of such additives is usually posted in the lobby.


In some towns, if you get caught having sex in a theatre you automatically get a free night at the Days Inn. If you get caught having sex in the front row, you get a whole week.


Having sex is very uncomfortable at a movie, unless it's just oral sex. You also waste your money because you don't get to see the movie and enjoy it. Plus, your mind begins to associate the smell of popcorn with having sex so later on you have to pop popcorn wherever you are going to have sex in order to enjoy it.


It's much better to have sex in the middle of the back row at a very bad movie where there are not a lot of people. And make sure you don't have a cold because if you keep coughing or sneezing, everybody will look back and see you humping...especially during movie scenes where there is a lot of sunlight.


The really bad thing is if you start having sex toward the end of the movie and it ends, the lights are turned up and there you are humping away for everybody to see. Now, a lot of people will just walk by and pretend not to see you. But there are some who will just stand there and watch until you are finished. That is very embarassing.


Sometimes, police will allow you to finish having sex before they arrest you. Couples are taken to a special jail where they can be housed together to enjoy sex while they are serving a 25 year to life sentence for indecent exposure and illicit sexual acts in a movie house or other public place (State Statute 345-44-9361).


If you decide to have sex in the theatre, ask the management what their policy is about intercourse during movies so you can comply with all rules and regulations. Most theatres want moviegoers to have a great movie experience. If they are going to screw you at the concession stand...$4.50 for a large bag of 50 cent popcorn...the figure you ought to enjoy getting screwed in the theatre.


If hope I have answered your question.

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That is sooooo funny! :D


I was at the movies last night...those places sure are getting cozy. I think they WANT you to have sex there. They have loveseats there where you can lift all the armrests and basically lay across the whole row if you wanted. And the seats are realllyyy comfortable also...


...not that I was doing anything I shouldn't have been doing.


Don't worry, I wasn't even with my boyfriend...just his best friend.

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I used to work at a theater, they kick you out and sometimes they do call the police. It depends on whether or not there are children in that theater. Sometimes they will be so embarassed they caught you that they may let you go and ask you to never come to that theater again. Other times, if someone has seen you and reported you then chances are they will call the police. It's like when there's a pervert masturbating in the theater during a kid's movie, that's punishable by jail time so they always call the cops because it could be a pedafile or something. Yes there is a difference between that and two people having sex in a theater but when kids could walk in or be around they tend to look seriously at that. My advice would be look for a theater that you know will be empty, and go in the early afternoon during a weekday.



I wanted to know what would actualy hapen if you get cought having sex at the movies? Would they call the cops?Will they kick you out what will hapen?And i wanted to ask if anyone ever did that ?
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