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Father rapes her in the very prime of her teen years

online confidant

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online confidant

I have befriended a seventeen year old online who has confided of her father's sexual abuse beginning at the age of seven and lasting, back then, through age thirteen, at which point he raped her once, and then the abuse ceased for a while.


Soon another relative raped the girl and that only happened once.


Fast forward as the shy and attractive student dedicated herself to her schooling where she earned straight A's through the first three years of high school.


Then, last summer, when faced with his daughter making college visits and plans to go away to school, dad's rapes began again.


In between the two or three times a week attacks, the father apologizes and somehow presents to the outer world the image of a decent father who is well liked by the neighbors and the community.


When most of the attacks conclude, dad threatens the daughter against her telling anyone by promising to harm her younger siblings and other family members if she tells.


This sexual abuse has evolved now to where the daughter almost submits on most occasions so as to avoid the physical wounds that accompany a forced rape.


Her father is unquestionably a horrible person, and I have done as much as I can think of to try to inspire the high school senior to stay with relatives for the rest of the year, and to apply to schools far away in hope that her grades and test scores will be enough to land her a full scholarship to any particular school as far from her father as can be.


She speaks of distant life goals being far away from her home city but she claims that she has to go to college either in-state or very nearby.


I simply do not know what I can do for her, as I have reached dead-ends with most of my efforts in just inspiring her to seek a solution in the form of getting far, far away from her father as soon as possible.


This all makes me feel especially sad for young women who must be all over, who have known similar fate, but who have neither the amazing grades and test scores to market themselves confidently to schools all over the country, nor the financial means with which to forge a path away from the source of their troubles.


No question that college won't be any picnic for such a troubled young person, but she has proven herself adept at the routines and demands of schoolwork. It is not coincidental that the sexual-abuse-free early years of high school found her earning straight A's and that her grades have slipped this year, since her father began raping her regularly.


I can feel the pain in her words as she expresses fear and then shock during her day-to-day dealings with the anticipation and then reaction to her father's attacks.


If it were as easy as merely contacting law enforcement and knowing that, as a result, she wouldn't have to live anywhere near her father for a long, long time, it would be easier to persuade her to tell the right authorities.


In truth, if she tells, the action will bring a whole lot of horror to her own life, and she will have a meltdown under the day-to-day uncertainty over whether dad will have to pay a dear price for his sexual abuse.


I can feel her fears about his threats in her written words, and in a way I'm fortunate that she has been willing to spell-out for me just what her father does and threatens.


In closing, this is the teenage high school girl who looks from outside as if she has absolutely everything going her way in life. She's intelligent and attractive, each to extreme, and she has a reasonably thriving social life within her circles, although she is quite reserved around others.


I hope that if you see her in the hall, and she's having a down day, that you may consider that her life on the inside just might not meet your expectations of how great it appears to be from out here.


I have the feeling that she has never known a clear mental picture of how life should be for children growing up, and for that I feel deep regret.


The more I write here, the less likely I see it that anyone who might read this will have any encouraging words with which I could hope to inspire this teenage girl to find the strength to take a legal stand against her father.


Things I have read online suggest that if this were a neighbor man who was repeatedly raping her, that her legal avenues would be far more likely to produce certainty that the rapist would go away for a long time. In this case, something called "the incest exception" threatens to make any brief respite from his attacks not really worth the potential horrors he may inflict upon her either before or after.


Interacting with her on the internet has become almost hurtful to me because I can't see a way out which she will "OK". My logical mind can see the parameters which guide her life and decisions but my soul is ill-equipped to have any chance to really "know how she actually feels".


I wish someone here could even motivate me to be able to believe that my will to interact with her online was even helping. It hurts to interact with her and meet with so much resistance, when I'm not the bad guy.





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Online Confidant: You need to notify the police and your internet service provider ASAP. They can trace the location of this child using her IP address and other information embedded in emails and messaging systems. I realize it is a scary thing to do; however, this child is not safe!! Additionally, this child has younger siblings whom the father may already be abusing. He must be stopped because even if he is not abusing the younger sibling, he may begin as soon as this child leaves for college. I encourage...rather I beg you...to take the necessary steps to protect this child!

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