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Last summer of 2005 i went to the philippenes with my dad i met this girl and we fell in love with each other now we talk over the internet about once a week and another girl is interested in me my friends say i should cheat and go to the other girl for a relationship i miss the sex and things but dont know if i should cheat so someone please give me advice

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the phillipenes. so do you live in the us and shes over there?.... if so then chances are someones going to cheat.


but cheating is bad.


relationship wont work if you cheat.


trust is so hard to gain and so easy to lose.......................


if she finds out you sure will be annoyed with her always worrying about you and asking where you are.


your call.


but cheaters are bad...

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It's hard to have a long distance relationship! Don't cheat no matter what ....what are her plans for you guys to be toghether?

If so then why not just agree to see other people till she moves down here?

I mean it will be hard for both of you, but you both need to be realistic....

people have needs.....!

Her heart and mind will be true to you always no matter what....I think she deserves the same back. Don't you?

Treat others the way you want to be treated cause Karma will bite you in the ass!

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Few long-distance relationships work; this is a major reason why. Don't cheat; call it off if you like this other girl...she knows you were involved, right? Think how cheating would make you look to both of them. Be honest and make a clean break, then go get some ;)

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If you miss sex, shag your girlfriend or wife and if she don't want to, well, maybe you can TALK about why and work on it ???? Speech is a wonderful gift, you know...

Instead of dreaming a dream that is not having proper colour yet, you should occupy with your woman.

I don't say this as a moralist, as I am none, I say this with my reason.

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