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Partners Daughter

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So me and partner have been together for just over 5 years. 

She has two daughters 13 and 18 and a son who is 22.

The problem the 18 year old. She dropped out of after two months in November 2023. Since then she's not gone back into education or tried find a job.

She earns money through busking, Tiktok and the odd bar gig.

My issue is she has the most time as everyone else is working full time or as incase if the 13 year old at school. Yet she does absolutely nothing in the house, no house work at all. Her bedroom is a mess and she pays no rent.

Whenever me and partner talk about it we just end up bickering. I completely get she is protected over her daughter. But really starting to become resentful.

Why should I get up at 4:45am, go to work and come home cook tea. Then do the washing up and tidy the kitchen. Some nights I don't get sat down until gone 8pm. So see can lay in her bed every day and do nothing. 

I'm really not sure what to do anymore. But it's starting to affect mine and my partners relationship. 






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Yep, your partner needs to step up and be a parent. Daughter either needs to go back to school or find a job and contribute, it's part of growing up. What feeble excuses does your partner make for enabling her daughter's free-loading attitude? You've got every right to be annoyed, but lazy, inconsiderate children are the product of bad parenting and your partner's the real culprit here, she's actually prioritising her adult child over you, and that's not OK, especially if you're paying bills. Why are you cooking the evening meal and doing all the cleaning up? Where's your partner in the evening? 

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So what's the plan..... is she going to continue living there well into adulthood, until she's in her 20s and beyond, refusing to work or get her own place?  You need to have a serious talk with your partner about what she plans to do if the daughter refuses to work in the coming years.  You will have a full grown adult living there rent free and not contributing for years to come.  At what point is her mother willing to implement a deadline?  You and your partner need to get on the same page.

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