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Am I a Lesbian or something?


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me and my boyfrind have just decided to break up. we have been together for about a year and a half. the reason is because i won't have sex with him. we have had a sexual relationship, that i chose to end because i dont enjoy it. i just plain do not enjoy sex with men. the act of it just doesn't appeal to me. but the problem is that i am really in love with him. I am bisexual, so the thought has come up that maybe i'm a lesbian.... but if that is so, then how could i be in love with him, and also, why would i still check out guys just walking down the street. i am torn to pieces over this and i don't want us to break up, but i know that i also am not interested in having sex with him. the whole "being freinds" options is out of the question... so what should i do?

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well first of all. you haven't even said anything about liking girls. you are just assuming that you do. maybe you just don't want to have sex. maybe you are scared that it will mess things up with you guys. maybe you think you love him but it is a different kind of love. you guys shouldn't break up in the first place over sex. sex is sex and if it's not love then its just a word. if it is meant to be then everything will work out. right now it sounds like you are trying to come up with reasons or answers. when the real answer you probably haven't even found and that will be the answer to all your problems. look in your heart. don't think that you are lesbian when you aren't.

me and my boyfrind have just decided to break up. we have been together for about a year and a half. the reason is because i won't have sex with him. we have had a sexual relationship, that i chose to end because i dont enjoy it. i just plain do not enjoy sex with men. the act of it just doesn't appeal to me. but the problem is that i am really in love with him. I am bisexual, so the thought has come up that maybe i'm a lesbian.... but if that is so, then how could i be in love with him, and also, why would i still check out guys just walking down the street. i am torn to pieces over this and i don't want us to break up, but i know that i also am not interested in having sex with him. the whole "being freinds" options is out of the question... so what should i do?
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