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small breasts


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I am a female with very small breasts. I am very uncomfortable with this and would have plastic surgery if I had the money to do it. I don't feel as sexy and as feminine as i think I would had i had larger breasts. Is this something that others feel? How can I get over the uneasy feeling I have when I am naked with my boyfriend. I have a hard time even letting him touch me because i am embarrassed about my chest size. It doesn't seem to bother him, but I know that he cannot find me as attractive as someone who has a larger chest. I would love to be able to wear lingerie and sexy bras, but they just don't fit. any suggestions?????????????

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Girl, consider yourself lucky. You never have to worry about gravity taking hold and dragging your breasts down to your knees! And you can wear sooo many bras that women with huge chests can't because you don't need all the support! (DKNY and CK make tons of cute bras that anyone over an A cup would have difficulty wearing.) And tops! You can wear skimpy tops that women with huge chests can't (or shouldn't!).


Sexy is a frame of mind. Why would having bigger breasts make you feel more sexy? You're still a woman. You aren't using this as an excuse for low self esteem, are you? If your boyfriend hasn't complained, you have absolutely no reason to feel uneasy. That said, if you seriously aren't happy about your breast size, you should get plastic surgery. But think carefully about it and do it for YOURSELF, not because you're worried about what everyone else thinks.

I am a female with very small breasts. I am very uncomfortable with this and would have plastic surgery if I had the money to do it. I don't feel as sexy and as feminine as i think I would had i had larger breasts. Is this something that others feel? How can I get over the uneasy feeling I have when I am naked with my boyfriend. I have a hard time even letting him touch me because i am embarrassed about my chest size. It doesn't seem to bother him, but I know that he cannot find me as attractive as someone who has a larger chest. I would love to be able to wear lingerie and sexy bras, but they just don't fit. any suggestions?????????????
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I definitely feel for you. I am not even able to fit in an A, and I am in my late 20's, with 2 children, but, I am very comfortable with them and myself and it just doesn't bother me at all. My boyfriend loves mine, but even if he didn't, it is about how I feel. Your boyfriend finds you very attractive, no matter what your breast look like, else, he wouldn't be with you.


I have considered "upgrading" many of times, to proportion out my body. I have nothing against anyone who gets them, I am just lucky enough to have the self confidence to not care how big they are. And let me tell you, I have plenty of reminders of how small I am since I work out at a gym, where only 2 other females workout on a regular basis and both are "enhanced" quite a bit, one of them being Ms. Nude (my state), and yet, I am still happy with mine :)


Be happy with yourself, even if that would include surgery, just make sure you are doing it for the right reasons, and do plenty of research on all the aspects and dangers of the surgery.


Once you love yourself, everyone else will follow :)

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thank you Clia for being a voice of sanity in a big-breast-infatuated world. It's not fun wondering when gravity will stop working it's magic, or trying to find clothes that fit or being able to afford brassieres that fit and work properly ... and it no great joy when men talk to you while addressing your boobs! The grass isn't necessarily greener on the other side, I can vouch for that!


if you find a guy who loves you for YOU, concentrate on that, not obsess over bigger breasts. Because the question is, if you chose breast augmentation, what happens if you don't feel better about yourself after the procedure? It's not an issue of big breasts or little breasts, but about loving your unique body.


Go look up Maya Angelou's poem "Phenomenal Woman" ... I think she captures wonderfully what it is to be a beautiful woman ... and she doesn't possess the perfect body to understand it!

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