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The distrust women crave

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control, nonmonogamy, and deception - among the 3 greatest " chemistry" generators for women


evolutionary survival deemed this to be so , it cannot simply be wished away

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YOU WRITE: "control, nonmonogamy, and deception - among the 3 greatest " chemistry" generators for women"


Who are you speaking as? If you are speaking as God, I'll move on, but if you're speaking as Jet I think you're way off the mark.


Control, disloyalty and deception may do something for a handful of extremely sick and dysfunctional females who suffer from leprosy of the soul. However, emotionally healthy women of average self-esteem would be repulsed by these qualities, rather than stimulated on some chemical level.


Now, if you're God, explain and give examples. If you're just speaking as Jet...go get sober.

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hi jet,


sheesh....you are so cynical!!!!


are you the same guy who posted the message, "the disrespect women crave"? if so, you've obviously had some bad experiences with women....did you treat them the way you think they "craved"? are you at all attracted to women with no self-esteem? do you have a low self-esteem and you feel better being in control and having a woman cry over you?.....just wondering, not accusing.


chemistry my butt....i once had a guy who tried to control me - it did not work. this same guy cheated on me - i dumped his butt. i equate cheating with deception....he landed on his butt pretty hard and wanted to know, "why did you dump me....what's this all about?" yet again, he tried to gain some control. i never spoke to him again.


your theory may apply to SOME women, but there are also many women who have more SELF-RESPECT than that.


maybe there are some guys out there who should learn to stop treating women like s***, and women who should learn to stop taking it. of course, this goes both ways. it's just human nature, but then again, so is treating people with respect and love, which is also quite prevalent out there.



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hi jet, sheesh....you are so cynical!!!! are you the same guy who posted the message, "the disrespect women crave"? if so, you've obviously had some bad experiences with women....did you treat them the way you think they "craved"? are you at all attracted to women with no self-esteem? do you have a low self-esteem and you feel better being in control and having a woman cry over you?.....just wondering, not accusing. chemistry my butt....i once had a guy who tried to control me - it did not work. this same guy cheated on me - i dumped his butt. i equate cheating with deception....he landed on his butt pretty hard and wanted to know, "why did you dump me....what's this all about?" yet again, he tried to gain some control. i never spoke to him again. your theory may apply to SOME women, but there are also many women who have more SELF-RESPECT than that. maybe there are some guys out there who should learn to stop treating women like s***, and women who should learn to stop taking it. of course, this goes both ways. it's just human nature, but then again, so is treating people with respect and love, which is also quite prevalent out there.



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I agree with everything Miss Mojo and Tony wrote.


It sounds like you've had bad luck and have met the wrong kinds of women. But you can't use your few experiences and assume that is what all women are like or that is what they want.


The girls you must have dated were probably pretty screwed up. They lacked self-esteem or had been in abusive relationships before. They were used to the way the guys who were jerks treated them, and maybe that's what they assumed was normal.


Meet any NORMAL woman and she will tell you that is not what she wants. I can tell you right now that I would always date a nice MAN over a jerk, anyday. I would never stay in a relationship if the guy treated me like crap, was controlling, was deceptive, and who cheated on me. I'm sure Miss Mojo wouldn't either, as well as most of my female friends.


Go meet some women without these insecurity issues before you start going on about how EVERY women wants this.


What makes you say that "evolutionary survival deemed this to be so"? I would love to see where you are getting this information.

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hi sparkle,


i definitely agree with what you wrote, particularly the following:-


I would never stay in a relationship if the guy treated me like crap, was controlling, was deceptive, and who cheated on me. I'm sure Miss Mojo wouldn't either, as well as most of my female friends.


why do some guys find it so hard to believe that a woman does NOT want an ars!hole for a boyfriend? why are some men so determined to believe that any woman who wants a nice guy is kidding herself and full of crap?


that is about as justified as me saying that all guys want a blonde girlfriend (when in fact i know quite a few who love brunettes) or that all guys are pigs (when in fact, they're not).


you're right, sparkle....there are lots of NORMAL girls out there who can tell the difference between a healthy relationship and a dud, and would quickly get rid of the dud.


What makes you say that "evolutionary survival deemed this to be so"? I would love to see where you are getting this information.


ditto! :)

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everyone knows women tend to be turned on by traits such as looks, height, intelligence, strength, resource, and so forth ( advantageous in both modern times and evolution)


My point is this : when you are dealing with the most attractive young women, those requisistes are merely a starting point as it pertains to the "chemistry" women crave. They need more, and generally they require some combination of deception, nonmonogamy (actual of perceived), and controlling behavior. Now i will concede that these later " skills " really are unnecessary in modern times to assist women in getting their genes move forward - however the problem is women's genes don't know that- as genes tend to carry significant bagged from earlier timeframes, some millions of years earlier. They are in fact critical evolutionary survival skills, and they explain why so many women get "bored " by sincere, monogamous, and noncontrolling male, aka " nice guys" in chick parlance.


mypoint is simple , given women the "chemistry " they want ,and they will give you what they want

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They are in fact critical evolutionary survival skills, and they explain why so many women get "bored " by sincere,


monogamous, and noncontrolling male, aka " nice guys" in chick parlance.


...as a very attractive female, it looks like i have thrown a spanner in the evolutionary works. does that mean i am a genetic mutation of your evolutionary theory? i once had a sincere, monogamours, non-controlling male, and i was anything but bored. i was constantly excited that i had a guy like that. it was great.


i can't believe i'm deviating from the evolutionary norm...i'm going to take a paracetemol and lie down for a while.


p.s. is this all part of a uni thesis or something?

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...Oh, Oh...Think I smell a burn victim!


If your going to make gender-bias statements such as the one below, be cafeful to point out that this is mearly your "opion"...and not documented "fact."


The truth is, (if you put any time into really studying the issue) women ARE attracted to the "nice guy." Women seek "security" in their partners since most are biologically geared TOWARD "monogomous" relations. Unlike males whose biological make-up has conditioned them for many sexual partners..."gean survial"...so to speak.


Ask any woman if she would turn away from an ATTRACTIVE, successful man who was "too nice," and I think her answer would be "Hell No!" You see, its the WHOLE package. "He's too nice" is often the excuse given when someone doesn't have the courage to say "I just don't find you appealing." What woman...AND men want is a combination of these positive attributes...Goods Looks, brains, success and dynamite personality. The problem is, that Gorgeous guy or woman, with the great personality and eagerness to fulfill your every whim is often impossible to find. But being the delusional fools that we are...we just keep searching.


Ask yourself the question; if there were two women interested in you--One; a gorgeous, successful modle who was use to having anyone she wanted, and would certainly give you a run for your money--Or two; that cute dumpy little girl, the one who often went unnoticed but worship the ground you walk on and would be faithful to you forever.....Who would you be more interested in?


control, nonmonogamy, and deception - among the 3 greatest " chemistry" generators for women evolutionary survival deemed this to be so , it cannot simply be wished away
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