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My boyfriends spring break trip w/o me.

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Still Curious9798

Well I'll begin by telling u a bit abouat myself. My name is Lindsey, and I've been with my boyfriend Jakob for 2 years and 3 months. My boyfriend went to spring break last year, with a few of his party animal guy buddies, b/c I wasn't going to be able to make it that year. He went to nightclubs dead drunk & also hung out on the beach. Everywhere there are girls willing to do anything if they flash and Girls Gone Wild and it's just crazy drunkeness. I know this was a year ago, but I'm still curious if my boyfriend hooked up with anyone and didn't tell me. Because it's just too crazy there for him not too and he's very very attractive. ( VERY!). And he has abs and was walking around with his shirt off and beads around his neck. The entire point of spring break is to hook up with someone & he's in college so..I just don't know if he's telling the truth. I know his friends had sex and made out with random girls..and he said when girls would come up to him, he'd turn them away and say he's taken but I can't really say if I know that's the truth b/c that's just too wierd.

I thought I had put this behind me and THOUGHT he didn't do anything, until the other night he saw one of his friends that he was with during spring break and we hung out at a party at his home. Well, he brought up spring break and said thanks to my boyfriend for introducing him to that friend of that girl that my boyfriend was talkign to in the club and he enjoyed that alot and talked to her for like a month afterward. And my boyfriend got nervous and said, " that was Russel, not me!" and Brent said " oh okay, I thought it was you."

So now I'm all freaking out about it again. And as much as I try to put it behind me, I can't get it out of my mind how I thought we were so close then ( and we REALLY are now and I don't wanna ruin it) he might of hooked up and didn't tell me b/c he didn't wanna ruin things..or maybe he didn't care about me as much as I thought he did at the time but does now. But he wont' bring it up so that's a problem, I'll never be able to get the truth out of him so I guess the question is, is how can I deal with that thought always being in my mind? Because I don't think I can EVER erase it. It keeps BUGGING me.




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All you can do is just straight up ask him. It sounds like he has answered you before and you are not accepting his answer. It IS possible that he did not hook up with anyone and is telling the truth. However, it is also possible he did but will not tell you the truth. You have to decide whether you believe him or not and act on your choice, it sounds like you will not believe him no matter what.

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Okay, first I don't condone cheating in any way but if you're guy is going on spring break I would assume he is still young. yes, spring break is fo rhooking up and ues it proabably happned. But does it really matte rin the long end? It's not like it was some long drawn out intimate affair. He just hooked up with some random girl, about as much intimacy as masturbation. It's hard for most men to commit and young men especially tend ot need some time to experience other woman. If this is the only instance I would chalk it up to the situation and his age. Lastly, stop obsessing over it. Is he good to you. Do you enjoy your time together? If he had cheated on you would you stay with him? If the answer is yes then no need to knwo the truth. remember what you don't know can't hurt you.

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Mistaken Identity

It may be hard to forget about it, but you probably should. Are you going to let it keep eating away at you? You said it happened last year. Why is it bothering you now? Is he planning to go on spring break without you this year, too?

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