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Am I paranoid?

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I know my wife had an affiar for over a year the signs were very obvious. In the last two years we have talked about it over and over but we have two small kids and I just would not leave her. I guess I thought she would somday tell me the truth but she denies everything even down to the smallest point.


And she was ready to divorce me for over a year over this guy insted of giving him up saying he was just a client.


The thing that really worrys me is that he is an exconvict who was busted

for burning his house down to get insurance. During our worst trouble I was talking about divorce and she said she would rather be permanantly seperated

when I ask her why she said so I would get her life insurance if anything happent to her. I thought that was very generous of someone who is cheating like you are.


Then we moved out of state and I was talking about emminant divorce because I just can't forget it without the truth then a few days later

she called her company and put 100k of life insurance on me. without telling me I overheard her and she saw I was listening and said don't be paranoid

it's just a good deal. Then a few days after that she said she wanted me to build a small wooden box for her ashes when she dies but she wanted me to build it right now and ask me several times in the next few days.


I don't know what to think maybe it's just me would anyone else think this is strange.

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