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Does he want to be want to be with me?

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Hi I really need some advice cos the bloke I want to be with is confusing the hell out of me so if you can help plz do! I met Carl a few months ago, we met through mutal friends and we hit it off straight away! We went out a few times but I'm really shy especially when it comes to men and he told me he didnt want a girlfriend. Then he wouldn't speak to me for like 2 weeks cos my ex boyf knows him and he told carl loads of stuff about me to try and put him off. Anyway my best m8 spoke to him and we made up and he said he missed me but he still said he didnt want a girlfriend. A few weeks later I saw him out 1 nite and we were both really drunk and we ended up sleeping 2getha and he even told me he loved me but I know he didnt mean it! I spoke to him on the phone the next day and he said he didn't want 2 get back together so I decided to give up. A few weeks later I ended up kissing his mate when I was drunk and it made me realise I still wanted Carl so I sent him a txt telling him what happened and how sorry I was and it was a mistake and he sent a not very nice txt back. I spent the whole of christmas thinking he hated me and didn't have any contact with him. Then I saw him on NYE and we had a really good talk and he told me he couldn't stop thinking about me all over christmas! He said he still likes me and he does want a girlfriend but there is something about me that is stopping him from

being with me but wouldn't tell me what cos he didn't want to hurt me! He lost his job just before christmas and I asked his mate what was goin on and he said he wants to get back with me but he wants 2 get a job first. I saw him last friday and he tried to talk to me but I ignored him and walked off which I now really regret. I asked his mate to talk to him for me which he did and he said he don't want a girlfriend. I wont see him for about 3 weeks now but its doin my head in cos I don't know how he feels. I don't know if I should phone him and get him to meet me or just leave it til I next see him? Plz help!

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He knows how you feel so I would advise you to let him make any moves - It is HIM holding things back so let him be the one to come to you!

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