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dont know what to think

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hey there guys.im in a spot of bother here.


ok,basically things are a little complex with this girl that i like.we have done some silly stuff in the past few months(kissing while drunk twice).we have had a talk and she said she just wanted to stay friends for the time being and that she doesnt know if she likes me or not,just doenst know me that well.i argeed with her,i thought it was well too early and that we should just be mates for the time being.


that was last week and i saw her on saturday with other university friends.i was talking to her one on one and it was really cool.silly thing is tho,i have started to really like her now and she is growing on me.


there is a twist.she is a bit immature for a person her age(she's 20).just in the way she handles things with her friends can be a little child like tho i havent experienced this directly as such.my friend pointed out that she may be too immature to a relationship.


what my friend said was just to be friends for the time being and see what happens.i was thinking the same really.but i know i can give her what she wants(hugs,kisses,comfort,and above all,commitment without sufforcating her)while she can give me what i want(love and affection).thats what makes it so !


anyway just need some thoughts.



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Normally, I'd say try to take the next step, but here, it's a bit different. She has said she wants to remain friends, so pushing it might send her the wrong signal.


I say give it a bit more time. Keep hanging out with her, and see what happens.


Ultimately, if you're getting a good vibe from her, you have to consider bringing up dating again. But only if you feel it's the right move.

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