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why me give me some answers??!!

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I'll try to give as much info, in short time. About a year ago I started doing cocaine every once in a while, severe pressure from my husband to just try it once then once became twice and so on. I will be the first to admit that i have a cocaine problem, i'm an addict. this is where it gets tricky, my husband is self-employed, i work long hard hours 60-70 a week, never had time to get to the bank so he always did the bills and money situations, by accident i caught alot of bounced checks, looked into it and figured out we had NO money. I hadn't realized his problem was so bad 5-6 8 balls a week, thats alot if you don't know about blow. I took time off work to see if we could get his situation under control, I would only ever do cocaine, if he had gotten it earlier that's what i beleive has kept me from being a full blown hard core addict, like he has become. broken promises, rehab, love and help from anyone who knew of the situation, nothing has helped, I have left him but come back because he gets alot worse when i'm gone and i know in my heart that the drug is controlling him, but when is enough enough?? So we are up to present day, the problem is getting worse, i don't know what to do anymore if i stay around it is sosooooooo hard to walk away from a full line up. I have the power to kept myself off the drug without, rehab help because i don't have connections for getting the blow, and everytime i have left him i would stay clean until he would get to begging me. I know that it is pety to blaim him but i need his help also. I can't take this life anymore, I want to be normal person again with him, but should i just walk out and let him destory everything we have worked so hard for he has to want to do it for himself than more for me. I will try anything take any suggestions from anybody please help me, i'm drowning fast i don't know if i can keep going with him or without him??????????????? HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Leave him.

He's destruction, he destroys himself, you wanna go with him ?

He made you take cocaine !!!!!

That's enough reason already to so bloody dump him.

You can't help him, there is nothing left of your common life and you will lose yourself utterly and completely if you stay with him, I promise.

For your own sake, dump him.

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I have the power to kept myself off the drug without, rehab help because i don't have connections for getting the blow, and every time i have left him i would stay clean until he would get to begging me.


It sounds to me like you're not addicted to the coke, more that you're addicted to him. Can you stop this addiction as easily as you stop the coke?


I will try anything take any suggestions from anybody please help me, I'm drowning fast i don't know if i can keep going with him or without him???????????????


Get a grip. You can go on without him - it won't kill you. He has a problem, he knows it, you know it. If he doesn't want to stop then you can't make him. You can however make that decision for yourself.

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