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which one does he want??

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well one of my friends introduced me to this guy tyler and we hit it off like that... but there was one thing that he fail to tell me.. He had a girlfriend of one year!! well one day he almost got caught by his girlfriend with me!! So he told me we couldn't do this anymore.. it had to stop.. i asked why and he said i really like my girlfriend but i have feelings for you too so it's best if you dont come over here anymore because i don't want to hurt you or my girlfriend... It really hurt me bad hearing those words come out of his mouth.. i don't know what to do all he keeps saying is i'm sorry.. i garantee if him and his girlfriend ever break up he will come back to me.. but i can't wait that long... HELP!!!:(

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I am currently in your situation.

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It seems that once a cheat always a cheat. He's a liar. Don't get emotionally attached, doesn't matter how sweet he is, or how many times he says I'm sorry. Don't let him get away with stringing you along - he can't have his cake and eat it too.

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He wasn't worried about hurting either of you until he almost got caught. He's not worried about hurting you, he is worried about himself. Don't feed his ego, tell him to bug off - don't waste your time waiting on someone who would later 'worry' about hurting you (as his gf) and his new fling after you almost caught them.

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