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I Need Some Advice

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I've known this girl for about a year and a half however we only recently grew close (4 or 5 months ago). She is who I have come to realize is the perfect woman for me. Everything I have ever wanted she has and then some. Here is the problem...she has been in a failing relationship for four years now. I'm not sure why she won't leave the relationship but I believe it has to do with her son having his father directly in his life. Again, I'm not sure of this it is just my assumption. I am pretty sure she knows that I care for her immensely and she does know that I would do anything for her. I regulary drive for over an hour just to spend time with her while she is at work because she asks me to. She refers to me as "the best she's never had." I am unsure how to read into that. I am honestly and truly in love with this girl but don't know what to do now. If anyone can offer advice it would be very much appreciated.

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This lady is using your butt. So she asks you to come see her at work...how romantic! But after work, she returns to her "failing" relationship...she's returned to it everyday for four years now.


Yes, it's probably got a lot to do with her child...and a lot to do with the fact that she hasn't got the nerve to leave. But she has you to talk to at work and then she has her husband to go home to and make love with at night.


All you know is what she tells you. All I know is that she is playing you for a real fool. Stop this foolishness. Give her your phone number and tell her when she gets her final divorce decree, you'll resume your visits.


Chances are good she'll never get a divorce but chances are excellent she'll find someone else like you to keep on the hook until they wise up to her.


By the sound of your post, the two of you have little or no intimate conversation. This is just a very casual thing with you having underlying feelings for her because you are under the illusion that something may come of it later on. WRONG!!!


Life is way way too short. Don't waste your time and don't make others make an axs of you.

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Well thanks for the response...but...


1. Not a husband...a boyfriend


2. We regularly have intimate conversation


3. You are right...all I know is what she tells me. But I also know what she doesn't tell her boyfriend. (And yes I have met and spoken with her boyfriend.)


4. She has my phone number (all of them) and she has contacted me on occasion.


I do thank you for the reply as all advice is being reviewed for the better.

This lady is using your butt. So she asks you to come see her at work...how romantic! But after work, she returns to her "failing" relationship...she's returned to it everyday for four years now. Yes, it's probably got a lot to do with her child...and a lot to do with the fact that she hasn't got the nerve to leave. But she has you to talk to at work and then she has her husband to go home to and make love with at night. All you know is what she tells you. All I know is that she is playing you for a real fool. Stop this foolishness. Give her your phone number and tell her when she gets her final divorce decree, you'll resume your visits. Chances are good she'll never get a divorce but chances are excellent she'll find someone else like you to keep on the hook until they wise up to her. By the sound of your post, the two of you have little or no intimate conversation. This is just a very casual thing with you having underlying feelings for her because you are under the illusion that something may come of it later on. WRONG!!!


Life is way way too short. Don't waste your time and don't make others make an axs of you.


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I think you should let her know that you have feelings for her and you would like to know if she feels the same way.


If she can't give you an answer (which is very likely because she doesn't want to lose you and also doesn't want to lose him), then you should say that it is hurting you to be involved with her in this capacity and that you feel it inappropriate with her having a bf.


Then let her think about and cease all contact.


If she really cares about you, this will jolt her into action.

I've known this girl for about a year and a half however we only recently grew close (4 or 5 months ago). She is who I have come to realize is the perfect woman for me. Everything I have ever wanted she has and then some. Here is the problem...she has been in a failing relationship for four years now. I'm not sure why she won't leave the relationship but I believe it has to do with her son having his father directly in his life. Again, I'm not sure of this it is just my assumption. I am pretty sure she knows that I care for her immensely and she does know that I would do anything for her. I regulary drive for over an hour just to spend time with her while she is at work because she asks me to. She refers to me as "the best she's never had." I am unsure how to read into that. I am honestly and truly in love with this girl but don't know what to do now. If anyone can offer advice it would be very much appreciated.
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