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Should I not have sex with my husband?

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I am married, but I have a relationship outside of the marriage. My boy friend has a wife too, but we just can not help it.


The problem is that he has stopped doing ML with his wife, and expects me to do the same with my husband but my husband is very " haam sup" and can not live without having sex. If i do not have with him, he will begin to suspect. If I do have sex with him, my bf is upset.


what should i do?

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Whether or not you should stop having sex with your husband is not the big problem here!!!!!!




Why don't you get a divorce?????


And what right does your boyfriend have getting upset that you're sleeping with your husband???? That is none of his business.


But it sounds like you two are perfect for each other. Two cheaters deserve each other. But PLEASE end your marriage with your husband. No matter how awful a person you think he may be, he deserves someone that will be faithful to him.


And yes...stop sleeping with your husband, and at the same time, file for divorce.

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This is sick, lady. Get a divorce. Don't jerk your husband around. He doesn't deserve to have a cheater like you around...especially one who asks questions like this.


You say you can help having this affair. That's a lot of BS. If you have no control of what you do, check yourself in to the mental ward of a local hospital. There are things you could do that could harm others and get you in a lot of trouble.

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If you don't intend to honor your marriage, then end it. As should your boyfriend. There is no acceptable reason -- none whatsoever, not kids, not money, not lack of employment -- that justify staying in a marriage when your loyalty and body are being given to another person.


I must say that your priorities seem to be incredibly out of whack. Is this the kind of person you want to be -- deceitful, plotting and selfish? I'll bet it's not. Why not take a few days to ponder what you're doing? Then make a decision and act accordingly -- either end your marriage or get rid of your boyfriend. Don't give yourself the excuse of saying that your affair is beyond your control. That's rubbish and just allows you to abdicate responsibility for what you're doing.

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I can't believe this is even being asked.


Divorce sucks.


But cheating sucks more.


You just suck. Stop screwing your hubby and go get some help because you're morals are all out of whack.

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