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i need some advice, i have been freinds with this girl for a long time. i really like her, but im sure she only likes me as a freind. how can i get her to like me?

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You can't. The only thing you could do is tell her how you feel. If she rejects that kind of relationship then it may change what you have now.

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If you're stuck in the "friend zone," it's a very difficult challenge to get out of it. The only way that has ever worked for me - and this is just from personal experience, and may not work for you - was to be really, really direct. Something like, "Look, this friends thing is really nice if you're under the age of 14, but it's not my style. Frankly, I don't want just part of you. I want it all... Yes or no?"


Even then, that little speech only worked once, and only for a short time.


Good luck.

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i need some advice, i have been freinds with this girl for a long time. i really like her, but im sure she only likes me as a freind. how can i get her to like me?


There really isn't a way can .. If she feels it you will know just be patient and let the chips fall where they may ....:)

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