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ShOuLd I gIvE iT uP tO hIm Or Is He JuSt A pLaYeR

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Hi everyone :-) .Well I posted something before about me and my b/f having problems. Well, now everything is OK and well I don't know but I am thinking about losing my virginity to him but I am so scared. I know this might sound Dumb but please just try to help me.


Well, when me and my b/f meet we totally liked each other I mean he was so nice to me he treats me like a queen that guy is just the best, he is so great he is so loving and carrying and no guy in my whole life has ever treated me that way. I don't know how to explain him because my Dennis is just to good to be true he is just great to me.


Now I think I would be ready to have my first time with him to be honest lol I want him to be my first one. But I mean I was always so scared to have sex with someone and then the person would leave me I am just so scared of that, and then I am also thinking about what if something goes wrong I already talked that over with him and I know he would be responsible.


But I am still scared b/c I mean what if all that was just game you know I mean he doesn't act like it's game. But he fell in love with me very quick (very quick) it was like love at first sight it took me like a lil while longer to fall in love with him but it wasn't to long. I mean and when I think about that fact I get scared, I'm like thinking what if he just wants to do it and like leave. And like I asked him some time ago I was like u know I am a virgin and I am not going to sleep with you so if that is what you want then go find someone else who will sleep with you.


And he was like I wouldn't go through so much just to sleep with a girl and that he wouldn't do that to someone's child something he wouldn't want anyone to do to his cousin or whoever. I was like ok and also he never really talked about sex we never talk about it until I bring it up.


Now I am out of state and I am going home very soon and I was thinking about doing it with him when I got there but damn I am so scared you know I don't know what to do or what to think I feel that I am ready it'd not that it's just that lol maybe I watch to much TV and see all those guys who just have sex with a girl and then leave her.


I love my man a lot and I would do a lot just for him but like what can I do or what can I say to try to find out if a guy really loves me and doesn't just want to have sex with me.


It's very Important for me so please just give me some advice .Thanx for reading this by the way :-)


Oh by the way you might ask how old i am i am 17 turning 18 in september



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If I were you, I wouldn't do it. I was 19 when I lost my virginity, and although I don't regret it I feel like it could have been more special. The relationship with the guy I lost it to ended shortly afterward...he wasn't ready for a serious relationship.


If you decide to, go to the gynecologist first. Unless you have a religious reason not to, get on the pill, or talk to the doctor about other forms of birth control. Condoms can protect you, but being on some other form too will reassure you so that you can be comfortable for the first time.


The point of my babble: If you do it, be safe. Since your guy is not pressuring you to do it, you could always wait until you feel totally comfortable with the idea.

Hi everyone :-) .Well I posted something before about me and my b/f having problems. Well, now everything is OK and well I don't know but I am thinking about losing my virginity to him but I am so scared. I know this might sound Dumb but please just try to help me. Well, when me and my b/f meet we totally liked each other I mean he was so nice to me he treats me like a queen that guy is just the best, he is so great he is so loving and carrying and no guy in my whole life has ever treated me that way. I don't know how to explain him because my Dennis is just to good to be true he is just great to me. Now I think I would be ready to have my first time with him to be honest lol I want him to be my first one. But I mean I was always so scared to have sex with someone and then the person would leave me I am just so scared of that, and then I am also thinking about what if something goes wrong I already talked that over with him and I know he would be responsible. But I am still scared b/c I mean what if all that was just game you know I mean he doesn't act like it's game. But he fell in love with me very quick (very quick) it was like love at first sight it took me like a lil while longer to fall in love with him but it wasn't to long. I mean and when I think about that fact I get scared, I'm like thinking what if he just wants to do it and like leave. And like I asked him some time ago I was like u know I am a virgin and I am not going to sleep with you so if that is what you want then go find someone else who will sleep with you. And he was like I wouldn't go through so much just to sleep with a girl and that he wouldn't do that to someone's child something he wouldn't want anyone to do to his cousin or whoever. I was like ok and also he never really talked about sex we never talk about it until I bring it up.


Now I am out of state and I am going home very soon and I was thinking about doing it with him when I got there but damn I am so scared you know I don't know what to do or what to think I feel that I am ready it'd not that it's just that lol maybe I watch to much TV and see all those guys who just have sex with a girl and then leave her. I love my man a lot and I would do a lot just for him but like what can I do or what can I say to try to find out if a guy really loves me and doesn't just want to have sex with me.


It's very Important for me so please just give me some advice .Thanx for reading this by the way :-) Oh by the way you might ask how old i am i am 17 turning 18 in september Kim

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I can relate to you Kim. I was 19 when I lost my virginity to my boyfriend. I was really scared that once we had sex, he would leave me. I talked to him extensively about my concerns, and he was very reassuring, telling me that he could never ever do that to someone.


And, for me, everything turned out fine. We've been together for 2 years now are and still going strong. Don't get me wrong. Just because everything worked out for me, doesn't mean I think you should go hop in the sack with him. You need to make sure that you're completely ready and won't have any regrets. If you think there might be a chance you'd regret it, then wait. There will be plenty of other opportunities.


Do you think your boyfriend loves you? Do you think he's the type of person that could ever leave you after having sex? If you're not sure, then don't do it. You have to decide whether or not you trust him. Any guy could profess his love for you only to get you to have sex with him. Just because you've seen this happen to other people does not mean it has to happen to you as well. Be smart and use your head. If your head is telling you no, then don't do it.


Most importantly, if you decide to do it, be safe. Once I knew I was ready to have sex, I immediately made a doctor's appointment and went on the Pill...then I had to wait a month before I could become sexually active. At the bare minimum, use a condom.


Hope this helps.

Hi everyone :-) .Well I posted something before about me and my b/f having problems. Well, now everything is OK and well I don't know but I am thinking about losing my virginity to him but I am so scared. I know this might sound Dumb but please just try to help me. Well, when me and my b/f meet we totally liked each other I mean he was so nice to me he treats me like a queen that guy is just the best, he is so great he is so loving and carrying and no guy in my whole life has ever treated me that way. I don't know how to explain him because my Dennis is just to good to be true he is just great to me. Now I think I would be ready to have my first time with him to be honest lol I want him to be my first one. But I mean I was always so scared to have sex with someone and then the person would leave me I am just so scared of that, and then I am also thinking about what if something goes wrong I already talked that over with him and I know he would be responsible. But I am still scared b/c I mean what if all that was just game you know I mean he doesn't act like it's game. But he fell in love with me very quick (very quick) it was like love at first sight it took me like a lil while longer to fall in love with him but it wasn't to long. I mean and when I think about that fact I get scared, I'm like thinking what if he just wants to do it and like leave. And like I asked him some time ago I was like u know I am a virgin and I am not going to sleep with you so if that is what you want then go find someone else who will sleep with you. And he was like I wouldn't go through so much just to sleep with a girl and that he wouldn't do that to someone's child something he wouldn't want anyone to do to his cousin or whoever. I was like ok and also he never really talked about sex we never talk about it until I bring it up.


Now I am out of state and I am going home very soon and I was thinking about doing it with him when I got there but damn I am so scared you know I don't know what to do or what to think I feel that I am ready it'd not that it's just that lol maybe I watch to much TV and see all those guys who just have sex with a girl and then leave her. I love my man a lot and I would do a lot just for him but like what can I do or what can I say to try to find out if a guy really loves me and doesn't just want to have sex with me.


It's very Important for me so please just give me some advice .Thanx for reading this by the way :-) Oh by the way you might ask how old i am i am 17 turning 18 in september Kim

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There is nothing anyone can tell you to do to find out if he wants more from you then just sex. You have to ask him that and more importantly ask yourself that. You have to decide to trust him. It seems like you think very highly of him judging by what you wrote in the 2nd paragraph. It sounds like your doubt is coming from fear, not from any real, tangible indication from him that he's just a player. But in all essence, you have to decide to trust and if for any reason you have a doubt, then you should wait until you resolve your doubts. But only you can resolve your doubts. He can tell you all he wants that his intentions are good, but you have to believe it. WHen you believe it, then do it.


And anyway, if he's not pressuring you, then whats the rush? Do you possibly feel like you need/want to have sex with him to keep him around? Not saying you would have sex with him just to please him because you already said you wouldn't.


I'm 20 and I'm still a virgin. I'm in my first real, mature, non high school puppy love relationship where I actually care about my boyfriend to the point where I'm considering having sex. But I know in my heart and I know from what he tells me that he is not pressuring me. There's no rush so I don't worry myself everyday with should I or shouldn't I. When the time is right, I feel like I'll just know. If you don't just know right now, then its probably not right.


Just make sure to take all the precautions you can when you decide to go through with it, regardless if it is now or later, with this guy or someone else.

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