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Just need a head check from the ful people at ls


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Uhh...yeah, that french girl...I was only going to ask her out for a coffee :)


Anyway, time for the daily virginie update.


We had another good talk last night. She called me out of the blue late last night. We made small talk. And then some big talk where she unloaded a bit more. She apologized for the missed kiss monday night and just said that it was because, even if we didnt go all the way on saturday it was nonetheless pretty fast. SShe said she was really happy that I didnt let us go all the way, it would have been good at the time but a mistake come morning. For the next little while she just wants to go slow physically.


She said she wants to settle the conflict in her head. She said she is terribly attracted to me ( I belive she means to say she is in love with me but doesnt want to just 'blurt'...but maybe I just have a big head...)but that she sabotaged our relationship because she has this problem (she is one of those brilliant, artsy types with a truckload of issues...some of which make her more endearingly complex and others which are just a fu**ing pain in the ass....) with picking apart relationships that seem to good. I dunno... She talked about how she does this in her life, sabotages herself, but especially in relationships. THis wasnt...super comforting. But it was honest.


She said she didnt want it to be all her decision what happened between us.

So I told her it wasnt insofar as I could decide at any moment to just walk away. But that if we were serious about making things work that would be BOTH of our decision. I think she just wanted to know that I would walk away, that I could give up. I assured her that I almost have already. She also asked me how I felt about everything that happened between us last semester (all the craziness, the ambiguity) I told her that if we werent going to see each other than the whole month of december was a bloody good reason why...but that if we were going to continue then we would have to see it all as something to have gotten out of our system, that in a weird way it had helped me to...grow (a pair of balls, I meant, though I didnt say so). I said we couldnt base anything new between us on guilty and rehashing the last breakup...but that there was no way in hell I was going to repeat the experience. From now on she has to be...interpretable...her actions and words have to mean something clear and honest. Ambiguity will send me flying away...


Anyway, she has thought about the stand I took about 'ouverture' and 'fermeture' and its clear that she wants this too work but she has her issues to work out. She spends a lot of time alone which she says has been good for her, allowing her to think and reflect. But like everyone here has already said, we will have to go slow. thats fine.


As to the girl from france, we'll probably hang out as friends but I realized clearly yesterday that she would just be a rebound so I wont go there.


Virginie I will no doubt see this weekend. Until then...thanks as always for the replies and the advice and support. I dont really talk about this anymore with my friends here because I dont want it to get back to her how I am preoccupied by her and I think everyone we know is tired of hearing from both sides for going on two months now. So I bring it all here to you guys instead....so thanks...



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Sal, I encourage you to stay in touch with the girl from France. I doubt it's a rebound considering you already have your reseverations in regards to Virginie. She has a lot of changing to do and I know of no one that can change overnight.


Just keep your options open and I would also encourage you to pull back a little from Virginie. Give her a chance to see that you're not going to stick around if she doesn't make a concerted effort to change.

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she had issues and she's taking the time to figure them out. Keep working on yourself and give her space. Don't force anything. The kiss on the forehead was perfect but that's where you should have stopped. Don't go sleeping with other people, you don't want to go back with her and than feel guilty. Plus it's a small world, she could always find out. People may argue that you were broken up and it doesn't count but that doesn't mean it's not going to hurt her. Stop trying to define anything. Saturday night was saturday night. That's all. Yeah you may be horny but be the strong one and don't push for that, let her want you. And when she does, tell her you don't want regrets in the morning, that you want to take it slow, and it probably woulnd't be right. Be strong man. Buy some porn if you must. Jeeeezz. Not everyone gets a second chance, and some that do end up messing it up. You don't want that. You don't have to be with girls to be having fun. Plus do more for you, reflect some more, think about how your relationship was and the things you wish you had done, changed. ETC.


Just relax and don't analyze. When she's ready and she comes to you, there won't be any questions in your mind. Don't over think every single thing. She's actually taking the time. If she has done this with other relationships, don't give up on her.

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I love how men and women, when giving advice on men and women, are generally right...but in different ways. I mean they seldom give the same advice.


CaliGuy, you are right in that I can't seem to be just waiting in the wings for Virginie to make up her mind, in case this is just a headgame. I dont want to believe that but who knows?


But Jey, I think you are right. Matter of fact I know you are. I have plenty of opportunity for dumb flings right now but nothing that could make me forget Virginie. And until this has played out, one way or the other, than I will be 'fidèle.' I'm not going to sleep around because you are right, she would find out. And insofar as I have no reason to believe she is seeing anyone else, that would make me an ass.


But its hard only because I've been reading this site for a couple of months now and its full...and i mean FULL of stories about exes stringing the other along for the sake of their ego, because they dont want to be alone until they find someone else etc. I read a post by Jdub a while ago where she told...Altplan...i dont remember. Anyway, she told him that his confused ex wasn't confused at all...she knew she didnt want to be with him. And when the next guy came along, her confusion would be gone and he wouldn't see her again. That chilled me a bit. We all know are gf's but we soon learn we dont know our exes, you know what I mean?


Don't get me wrong, I only think about this because it is my responsibility to myself to be sure I understand what I could be getting into by still hanging around Virginie. I cant ignore the possibility that I'm being led on, even unintentionally. I dont think so...but she is confused.


The question though, is at what point do I decide that this is going nowhere? I'm still invested in her emotionally. But like a nigerian credit card scam, when do I decide I am just throwing good money after bad?


Like I say, I have to at least think about. Other than that, your advice, and skeptiks adn rio adn caliguys is good. Go slow, dont force anything, go on living without expectations of her. So far so good



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In your heart, Sal...you'll decide if you've had enough. You'll know when you're tired of investing all of your emotions into Virginie. You'll know when you need to let go and move on. "Knowing you," I'd say you'll be moving on once you feel you've put forth every last ditch effort into making this work. You'll then be able to walk away with your head held high and say "I really did give it my best." That is when you'll know it's time to let go of her within your heart. I believe that Virginie and Kelly (my ex) are very confused. But, that doesn't mean that we need to sit by and wait...and wait...and wait. You still need to keep progressing forward with your healing process but I know you aren't ready to give up. You'll decide that you're throwing good money after bad once you've ran out of money. (funny analogy, though) When you start settling again and putting your needs on hold, that's when it's time to walk away. You've come so far and have grown so much - you know it, I know it - everyone who's kept an eye on you, knows it. Honestly, I really don't think Virginie is playing head games with you. I think she is just honestly confused - and that's ok. One day, she won't be confused any longer, but you may not be around the corner. Only you and your soul will know when that time comes....

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I just wanted to thank everyone that has contributed to this thread, I am going through something very similar (I'm about 2 steps behind) and this thread has provided some brilliant guidance.


salmagundi - your strength is an inspiration my friend, keep it up and no matter what becomes of this situation you will be in a better place.

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Hey everybody, just thought I'd give my chronicle a little update.


Poolside, give us your story too. It will make this thread truly epic. (honestly, I think this thread has become my blog... :) )


Haven't really spent much time with Virginie since our phone call tuesday. Just had lunch with her today at her workshop at the university. Haven't made any progress at all really. (What do I want, it has only been ten days since I started this thread) If anything we're going backwards in that she is physically more distant, and maybe emotionally too. I have to be honest and say that right now, I dont feel too great about everything. I mean, we said we would go slow, and we definitely are, but if she's not giving me reason to be discouraged she;s not giving me too much reason to be encouraged either. This week I've been hanging out with friends, which I neglected somewhat when we were together (meaningfully together, that is).


She's going away to Québec city this weekend to visit friends (she did her undergrad there) which is great but disappointing, I would have liked to have seen her this weekend but I was like "hey...have a great time!" We agreed to meet up monday to go to the weekly film deal at the University...ok.


Good signs? She told me her mother is coming for the weekend in two weeks and that she really wanted to meet me. Its strange because she wont, of course, be meeting me as the 'boyfriend.' I'm just the ambiguous "guy in her life." But still, that she wants to introduce me to her mother (who is like Virginie's best friend) seemed a good sign. Certainly if I didn't meet her I would have taken that as probably a bad sign.


You can see that, insofar as right now I feel like we are spinning our wheels a bit, I am looking for any sign of forward motion, any sign that the landscape around us is changing...


But as for bad signs? Well, I dunno. I dont want to make too much but I can feel the space that she is putting between us. Tonight she and our friend Marie are going to see a play in Jonquière. I guess Ièm disappointed she didn't invite me, I know she just wants to hang out with Marie and thats cool but...what can I say. Space is definitely good...but it sucks too. Like last night she tells me a dance class she's taking (swing) is starting that night and I say, 'Oh yeah, is it the one my roomates are in here at the university?" She says no, I'm in the beginner class, They moved it downtown" But I felt like she didnt want me to know where. I mean, I live downtown, there are three or four places (bars, cafés) where it could have been, all of which I know. That just sounds dumb, I guess. I'm honestly not the jealous type but I couldn't help but think she was out to meet people and keep her options open. The more so because she told me today she was loving the class and that these three guy 'friends' (honestly, they probably are just friends) were also in the class which was great and yadder yadder. OK, I'm maybe being a little insecure, but I'm not exactly in a very secure position, am I?


You can see here that I am also looking for any sign that we are going nowhere, so I can bail knowing that it is done...


I guess I am learning just how hard it is to play this game. It was so much easier when we first met and there was no game because all we knew was that we were crazy about each other and just wanted to hang out whenever and make time...whenever. Now its more about spending time apart than together. Talking about things we DIDNT do together rather than things we did.


That and the physical distance when I am around her makes me feel like...a friend...precisely what I so clearly dont want to be.


Don't worry, I save what I think is perfectly normal 'worrying about what is going on between us' for this forum, I'm pretty cool around her. But I hate the power struggle. I know she has the upper hand right now and it pisses me off. It used to only be about who was on top when we were in bed.


Doesn't sound like its going so well, huh? Honesly, I don't know. Right now I don't know where her head is at but I wish she had had a better idea before she started coming around me again. For the first time in a month I've got that old familiar knot in my stomach... I want to play it cool...but at the same time I would give anything to know what she wants so that if it is not me...I could just walk away and start getting over this. As it is...either she does want me and still needs space and time to get it together, or she is terribly selfish and cruel for stringing me along for all this time since we broke up. Of course...I'm letting her.


Dont mean to sound discouraged, I'm sure everyone can relate to how stressful it is to walk the fine line between hanging in there for love and letting yourself get strung along, and not knowing which it is.


hopefully I'll be more encouraged next time...



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CaliGuy, you are right in that I can't seem to be just waiting in the wings for Virginie to make up her mind, in case this is just a headgame. I dont want to believe that but who knows?


My question to you, Sal, is how long are you going to put up with her indifference? I mean, I believe you have been as patient as any man would be but at some time or another she will have to fall to one side of the fence or the other. I've been in your shoes and I know for a fact if you press her for an answer it will most assuredly be NO. But at the same time, if she is unwilling to commit to you and you are ready, then it might just be better for you to find someone who's ready.


But Jey, I think you are right. Matter of fact I know you are. I have plenty of opportunity for dumb flings right now but nothing that could make me forget Virginie. And until this has played out, one way or the other, than I will be 'fidèle.' I'm not going to sleep around because you are right, she would find out. And insofar as I have no reason to believe she is seeing anyone else, that would make me an ass.


I don't see the French girl as a fling if you are geniuinely intereted in her for more than just FWB.


But its hard only because I've been reading this site for a couple of months now and its full...and i mean FULL of stories about exes stringing the other along for the sake of their ego, because they dont want to be alone until they find someone else etc. I read a post by Jdub a while ago where she told...Altplan...i dont remember. Anyway, she told him that his confused ex wasn't confused at all...she knew she didnt want to be with him. And when the next guy came along, her confusion would be gone and he wouldn't see her again. That chilled me a bit. We all know are gf's but we soon learn we dont know our exes, you know what I mean?


This is why I say you have to take action for yourself. You can't force her to decide or it will be no, but you can take it from RUSH: "If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice." As long as she isn't saying yes, then it's the same as saying no because you are not getting anywhere.


It's frustrating to say the least but in the end you have to decide what is best for you. a) Getting nowhere with Virginie or b) Perhaps finding what you desire with the French girl.


Don't get me wrong, I only think about this because it is my responsibility to myself to be sure I understand what I could be getting into by still hanging around Virginie. I cant ignore the possibility that I'm being led on, even unintentionally. I dont think so...but she is confused.


Then the best way to help her out of that confusion is to not be around her as much, perhaps date other people. She can't sort out her feelings if you are always there trying to help make decisions for her. I'm not saying you are but the pressure to decide is the same as trying to force a yes on her, which won't work.


The question though, is at what point do I decide that this is going nowhere? I'm still invested in her emotionally. But like a nigerian credit card scam, when do I decide I am just throwing good money after bad?


When you decide you respect yourself enough that you deserve to have something more, then you will walk away. It took me a long time to get to that point. I should have walked away a long time before I did.


Like I say, I have to at least think about. Other than that, your advice, and skeptiks adn rio adn caliguys is good. Go slow, dont force anything, go on living without expectations of her. So far so good


In your case, Sal, as long as you talk about the relationship status with her, you are showing her you do have expectations and you want an answer NOW. It's pressure on her that she probably can't handle right now. You know she has feelings for you but she is trying to sort them out.


I bet the minute you decide you've had enough and start dating someone else, she will almost immediately have made a decision she wants you.


It always works that way.

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thanks for the post Caliguy, When I asked for a headcheck ten days ago I knew you would be one to give me it.


Nothing to report as she's gone to Québec city till monday. We are supposed to meet up then. In the meantime I'm just thinking, trying to make sense of all this. Most importantly trying to make my brain call the shots instead of my heart, which we all know we cant trust...


Got the phone number of an english girl that moved here to study french for the semester. We might hook up this week, just for coffee. It will be good to speak to someone in english for a change. Its not a date though...just hanging out... Right now I just feel way too available to Virginie, I know that I have handed her the right to call all the shots. Definitely time to back off, I'm working to hard when all the work really should be hers.


Anyway, I'll post update when I have one.



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it's true, the work should be all hers...

i think time is the only thing on your side. time for you to see the light.


you may still be able to justify this limbo state to a point, in your own mind, but for your own sanity, keep your emotions in check.


i believe that she is being unfair to you. this is a wishy washy, grey area and she is throwing you just enough crumbs to keep you interested, but not enough so that you could accuse her of leading you on.


my ex is doing the same thing, effectively. throwing me enough of a line to keep me there, albeit from another country. gifts, financial help, support, regular contact. but there is a time frame involved with us. we cannot be together now even if he wanted it.


with you, its different. there is nothing stopping you from being together apart from her uncertainty.


think about it.

don't you deserve someone who loves you with one hundred percent conviction, who wouldnt risk losing you? i'm talking passionate, cannot - live - without - you - love.


i think that you deserve to be treated with more respect and integrity than Virginie is prepared to offer.

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Expectations will kill you. I know.


But it's hard not to have them. I know that too.


And yeah, I'd say it's time to back off a little. But, what do I know?

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I know you guys are right, that she is being wishy-washy at best. Is she disrespecting me? I hope not. I cant see that she has any motivation for leading me on. If she just wanted to be with somebody, she's free to do so and wouldn't have any trouble either. If she's still coming around me its hard for me to believe that its for any other reason than that its me she thinks she wants. If not, she knows I'm perfectly ready to move on, that she doesnt have to feel guilty about breaking up with me or think that I'm not going to be ok or whatever. She can just cut the tie and we can move on. But she does need to give me a bit more to go on here. I mean, how many reconciliations, even when the two people agree to go slow, involve total physical withdrawal. I mean, we dont even kiss on the cheeks anymore like everyone here does just as friends...


Maybe I'm totally misreading this situation, but then what is the right read. And maybe I'm just going around in circles in my head overanalyzing...


anyway, we're meeting tonight to see a film. We'll see how it goes...but I do think i need to see some kind of forward motion on her part or what king of reconciliation is this?


And where is the fine line between being patient with her and giving it time and letting oneself be strung along?



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Hey, Sal. I'm sorry to hear that you still have no direction. I can only imagine how crazy you must be feeling. I'm an overanalyzer, too, and it's NOT in our best interest. You can nickle and dime the situation to death, but it's not going to make things go faster. Trust me! I do wonder why you guys don't even kiss on the cheek - if it's the norm by you. I wonder if at this point, she's doing this to hold on to you...to string you along (not on purpose) but to make sure that you're there regardless. Sometimes even though we say we will be, our actions speak louder than words. I'd like to think that being in your shoes is better than where I'm at, but in all honesty, neither of us should be in the situations we're in. I'm glad you're going out with someone - even if it's as a freind. It's a good confidence builder. It's been 2 weeks since Kelly and I have talked, and today SUCKS! I got another piece of mail at the house for her, but I'm not doing what I did last time. I'm not getting in contact with her.

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Hey everybody,





Talked to my ex today.


This is really hard to write.


Basically...my ex told me she needs space to figure things out between us (we've already been broken up for two months and I dont know how many times I've told her that if its really over than fine, lets let it be over and stop seeing each other all the time but anyway...) yeah...she needs space because she cant do a relatioship with me but cant control her desires for me and add to that that she feels we are so close psychologically/emotionally etc and...yeah.


She says she isnt seeing anyone else, hasnt seen anyone else and has no plans to. She says she is a mess and has been since she was 18 (yeesh, she's 28, this is not promising.) She says its hard for her her to cut us loose...and in fact doesnt want to. She says she wants to figure it out so we can be together. I tell her I'm feeling pretty great about just about anything she wants to decide as long as its an actual decision. (no I didnt but i did say that we're at a place now where if we cant play straight with each other than WTF and she neednt worry about ending it cold if thats what she wants cause that will be easier for both of us. )


So strange that all I do for two months is give her easy outs ("honestly, just dump me cold, I'll be fine, dont worry about me")that she doesnt take

and still wont. But she wants space. We talked a long time...about how hard we are both finding it to let go. About how she needs me to do it before we could ever try again (that i know is true...but whatever...).


But she wont say its done. Its just done for now. (dont worry, I'm treating it as done.) She admits that she finds it almost imporssible to cut the ties between us but that she cant make me deal with her incapacity to deal (fair enough...) For my part I told her she has to understand that if she sends me away she cant have me back as a friend...not until a long time has passed anyway. She gets it.


But she panicked abit when I said : "so, I guess maybe we should be giving each others stuff back, eh? (we say "eh" alot in Canada...). She got all agitated and said that "thats not what I want...are you saying that because its what you want??!" WTF...?


Then we cracked some jokes, got all cutesy with each other like we always did, she got close to me and looked at me with her face 6 centimetres from mine looking for all the world like I could kiss her and then take her on the floor and then we hugged adn then I left and she stood watching me going down the hall for the whole hundred yards and now I'm in full Cali-Guy no f**king around NC wondering where I find these crazy f**king women....


OK you're turn...everyone tell me "I told you so!" Go!



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This time, Sal, it wasn't us who told you, -it was you, who told you...and her.


And this time, I think you both 'got it'.


I'm doing cartwheels!


You just took the leash off the hitchin' post of the past, my friend!


Now you get to ride!





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Thanks Rio,



Yeah, i guess i've been cut loose, sort of. But what I dont get is she still wont say its over. In fact, we broke up 2 months ago, but this time she just wants space. Not only from the relationship but from the breakup too. Because she wont just say "its done" in fact when I said "so, is it really done between us now" she said that she said if I wanted her to say that then yes, but she doesnt...she just wants space. I dont get it.


She also doesnt want to exchange things. But would this be a good idea? I mean, if its done its done, why wouldnt she want her stuff back, and give me back mine? I think maybe I should give her back her stuff anyway, just to make it seem final. But there you are, I am as guilty as her of not wanting to make it final... Its so stupid but I still dont want to lose. Even stupider is after all this she still told me she doesnt want to lose me either. Is it normal for two people to be so stupid together? I dont get it.


anyway, I gotta go to work now... thanks for any insight, thanks for your previous posts.



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As you know, Sal, I've been following your threads. I could feel the intensity of your last meeting - especially when you were walking away. It's very obvious that you both love each other and are scared to let go. but, you need to just let it be. You're a great guy and she knows it. Sometimes, people think they don't deserve to have someone as good as you in there life. (strange as it may seem) It sucks. It really does. But, look how much you've grown - we've all grown - from your experience? You are walking away with your head held high knowing that you did everything possible to save the relationship. Part of me doesn't think it's over yet...I have a feeling things are going to continue to go back/forth. For the sake of your own emotional well-being, though, you need to let it go as if it was over for good...regardless if she'll say it or not. Good, emotionally stable, well-adjusted, great sense of humor, passionate, responsible and all grown up are just a few of the things that you have. It's rare, and she knows it. She's not capable of having that much positiveness in her life right now. You know that in your head. Now, it's time to link your head and your heart.

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HEy rio and skeptik, thanks for your replies. So we're taking space now. She came by work today with a friend, we talked a little bit about what we've been up to since we lasted talked (the space talk). She was making gushy eyes at me, which made me feel weird but I kept cool, told her all was well.


We have no plans to see each other though when we parted she was like "à bientôt!" ("see you soon!") (!?!) We'll see.


I cant stop her from running into me at work but otherwise I am NC. I'm just doing my own thing right now, though I am thinking all the time about her. I think alot about her last conversation. About how what it means that instead of reaffirming our breakup we are "taking space" and what that means (if anythhing). I mean if she wants it to be over, wouldnt she say so? I gave her every opportunity...


No I'm not reading into it but we're still not cutting the cord and so I dont know if I've just got to "let it be" as in just relax and see what happens or if I should "let it be" as in walk away, assume this is dead and never look back...


I wonder if you, Rio, can give me a womans perspective on what this means? Why won't she just cut me loose? Is there still something here, if I'm willing to wait around for it? Or should I forget and move on?


Doing well otherwise, dont worry, I'm not getting worked up into an angsty mess, its just whats on my mind, you know?



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This thread just goes on and on...


Still NC, havent made any effort to contact her. We saw each other Friday night on the street, she was walking to a girlfriends house who lives on my street. We made small talk again and she asked if I would call her when I felt up to it. I told her that I already was doing fine and that insofar as it was her that needed and asked for space I felt that she could call me when she felt it was right to do so. Hope that was the right answer...now I wish i had said, yeah sure I'll call you so I could. Now I'm waiting on her call (well, sortof, I'm not camped out by my phone or anything). I know the call will come, of course, I just dont know what it will mean.


So yeah, still in limbo.



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