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To IM or not to IM?


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Hello...Just thought I would start this thread and see how everyone does this.


After the breakup and if you're practicing NC, do you remain visible on IM or do you get a new screenname or do you block your ex all together?


If you don't do any of the above and remain visible to him, what do you do when he contacts you?



I'll start first...I am still visible to my ex. The last time he IMed me, I acknowledged his message with a one word answer and then when he continued, I just signed off.



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Whatever is going to be easier on you. Can you handle seeing him come on and offline? First of all, you need to block HIM so he doesn't see you online.

The thing is, will YOU get the urge to IM him? IF so, then definately change your screenname. If you can handle him IM'ing you and you are able to not answer, then keep the screenname.


No contact means no talking, no IM'ing, no emails, no calls...Nothing.


There is no point in being mean to him by cutting him off...The less contact is better for BOTH of you.


Hope this helps!

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Based on what you have posted earlier in regards to your break up, it's best to block him first. Then work your way to deleting him. It took me sometime to totally take my ex off my MSN. It was too hard seeing him online, wondering who he is talking to, etc...so I decided to take the plunge and do the block & delete. He has still kept me on his MSN list which baffles me at times. :confused: However, for myself it's best that I cut off ties till I am on stronger emotional ground.

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IM doesn't do you any good. You can't hear his voice, his tone, you just don't get a feel for the person. I would remove him so I don't see when he is on. Block him so he can't IM you. He wants to talk he should call.

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What i would do is delete him from the list so you cannot see him when he is online. But he can still see you. And he will IM you when he is ready. Don't block him unless you two broke up on bad terms and you absolutely don't want this man in your life anymore.

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