jen_jen_heartbroken Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 I'm laying here curled up with my laptop, all cold and clamy because I have pneumonia. Sick since Saturday night. Boyfriend hasn't called all week, and he knows I've been sick. Left him a message that I have pneumonia and I need help and he still hasn't called. He knows I live alone and don't have people close by to help me. He lives next's not that hard to walk next door. Why is he treating me like this? Like he doesn't care. Things were fine all weekend with us, and then the week comes and I don't exist again. I should also add that I have RA and because I am having a flare up my immune system is weak right now, so I have trouble fighting off germs. My boyfriend knows this. Funny, he has type one diabetes and I am supportive and would do anything for him if he were sick...and in fact, I have helped him a few times with things. Link to post Share on other sites
Jools Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 Do you know that he has recieved your message? Could he be busy with work or something that means he hasn't been able to read your message yet? Link to post Share on other sites
Author jen_jen_heartbroken Posted January 12, 2006 Author Share Posted January 12, 2006 He gets all of his work emails on his blackberry which he uses for work. i texted him and left a voicemail (my voice is shot), but he would have gotten them. Besides, how do you excuse not calling your girlfriend for four days when you know she's sick? Link to post Share on other sites
littlekitty Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 Take very good care of yourself Jen. Have you seen the Doc? I had double pneumonia before my 21st birthday and very nearly didn't make it. People often don't realise how serious it can be...! Hmmm I'm re-reading this and hoping I'm not going to scare you.. but I worry so I'm going to post this anyway! Take good care, and get well soon! Link to post Share on other sites
Outcast Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 Jen, not much you've said about this guy sounds like he's much of a prize. Link to post Share on other sites
Author jen_jen_heartbroken Posted January 12, 2006 Author Share Posted January 12, 2006 Thanks Kitty. Yes, a chest x-ray confirmed it yesterday. On heavy duty antibiotics. But feel friggin awful. And I have no way to get stuff I need from the store. He lives next door. He knows I need help, but hasn't called. Link to post Share on other sites
JS17 Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 I'm sorry to hear that you're so sick Jen. Take care of yourself and get better. I don't know what to say about your boyfriend. I think we're going to keep having these bi-weekly posts from you about his "disappearances" until one of you ends the relationship. I'm really sorry that you have to deal with this on top of being sick. Right now focus on getting yourself better, it's the most important thing. Link to post Share on other sites
littlekitty Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 Good to hear... god I know how awful it makes you feel... ! I'm sorry your bf is being a useless sod... If I lived closer, I'd pop to the shop for you!! Link to post Share on other sites
Jools Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 Jen, didn't realise it had been 4 days? That does seem a bit strange. Link to post Share on other sites
lilmoma1973 Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 He sounds inconsiderate to be just next door !! How hard is it to walk a few feet and check on someone you suppose to love and care about? Link to post Share on other sites
Touche Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 He sounds inconsiderate to be just next door !! How hard is it to walk a few feet and check on someone you suppose to love and care about? "Supposed" to love and care about...and "it's like he doesn't care." The fact of the matter is, is that he DOESN'T care. That's not a boyfriend. Those are the actions of someone who maybe is just sleeping with you. You know, Jen. I just read another post of yours asking about "the one." What you have now, I suspect, is the guy who is going to make you appreciate "the one" when he comes along...and he will. You will wonder what in the world you were doing with this guy! I sure hope you don't want to marry this guy, because if he's like this NOW, before you're even married, it will only be much, much worse. Get rid of that loser. Wouldn't you rather be alone that with someone who is only there at THEIR convenience? I really hope you feel better. Maybe you can get the jerk to get your medicine. After he leaves, I would thank him and text him that you never want to see him again. Well, that's what I would do anyway. Link to post Share on other sites
Author jen_jen_heartbroken Posted January 12, 2006 Author Share Posted January 12, 2006 I know all of you are right. That's why this hurts so bad. Link to post Share on other sites
Touche Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 Yes, it hurts like hell when you realize you fell for the wrong guy...heck, we've all done it! But once you meet the right one, and you won't until you get rid of the wrong one, you will forget all about him. He's the kind of jerk boyfriend we all talk about to our HUSBANDS. At least I have...makes me appreciate holding out for the "right one." What a selfish bastard! I actually got MAD reading your post and it reminded me of selfish boyfriends from MY past. There is absolutely NO excuse for him to be doing this to one is THAT busy that they can't check in at least and ask "how are you doing?" If he really IS that busy, then I'd get rid of him too. You're better off alone than with someone who can't even take the time out to ask how you are when they know you're sick. Link to post Share on other sites
Author jen_jen_heartbroken Posted January 12, 2006 Author Share Posted January 12, 2006 my latest email to him: Are you TRYING to hurt me? I’d probably get more love and care from a stranger on the street than you’ve shown me this last week. Not one time have YOU called me or walked NEXT DOOR to find out if I’m okay or need anything. I am very sick. Very sick with pneumonia. And stuck with no help, because I live alone. And do you show me any amount of love or concern….pick up the phone…answer a call for help? NO. Why? Why do your feelings change like the wind? Or am I only of any use to you when you need to get f*cked? Link to post Share on other sites
newbby Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 sorry that you are ill. at least things like this show you the truth. it is definetly better to be alone than with somebody who doesnt care. good luck. Link to post Share on other sites
Touche Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 I'm sure that felt good to get that off your chest but I would have just ignored him. Well, let us know if he even answers you but I wouldn't send any more emails. He's already told you everything you need to know by his actions...any words he has to say will be meaningless. You just concentrate on getting better. Forget about him. We're all here for you and if we could WE'D get your medicine for you. Is there anyone you can call to get it. Otherwise, I'd at least let him or make him do that for you and then dump his sorry ass. Link to post Share on other sites
csfong007 Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 I say drop him like a hot potatoe. If he can't be there for you when you're at your worst, what good is he? I have not been well for quite a while...arthritis in my foot and can't walk. My boyfriend was rather new (5 months). He has been so terrific towards me and my foot...a god send. I can't believe your boyfriend lives right next door and still won't budge. Get rid of him and find someone who will treat you the way you deserve. Link to post Share on other sites
hotgurl Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 sorry you are ill, I woud drop the guy. Do you have a friend or anyone that could go to the RX for you. You need the meds to get better. Then curl up in a blanket with some tea pop in a movie and sleep. feel better Link to post Share on other sites
whichwayisup Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 I hope you feel better soon Jen. This is NO excuse ofcourse, but he sounds like one of those guys who doesn't do the sick thing or handle it well. Yet, him not even calling to be considerate, to drop off soup, or anything is just PLAIN RUDE. Those actions say alot! Sorry, I'm sure this really hurts you. But atleast you know now of what sort of person he is. Someone you really can't rely on when things get tough. Link to post Share on other sites
Yamaha Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 I'm not excusing his behavior but some guys might feel you just want peace and quiet while you recoperate. He should have called or texted you to see if you need anything. Maybe he's grem-phobic and thinks he can get it even over the phone. Hope you get better, fast. Link to post Share on other sites
Lishy Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 You poor thing!!! ((((((((((BIG hug)))))))))))) How awful to not only feel awful in your health, but to have nothing but time to sit and think about how awful a guy who is supposed to love you is treating you is so mean! Get yourself better Jen and then kick his ass to the curb! There is NO excuse for his behaviour babe! Link to post Share on other sites
Adunaphel Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 Hi jen, I am sorry to know that you are sick and hurting because of your boyfriend not being there for you. I am shocked that your boyfriend is being this inconsiderate, selfish and uncaring. I agree with the other posters who said that he has _no excuse_. You sound like a great person, you deserve so much better. Please let us know when he answers your email. and let us know how you are doing, if you are getting better. Get well soon, take care of yourself. Link to post Share on other sites
Lil Honey Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 Jen: Some grocery stores deliver. Find out if yours does. Some drugstores do as well. Find out if yours will. If not, I would call someone whose opinion I trust (someone at work, a neighbor or teacher at the local high school) for the name of a trustworthy teen agers (like a babysitter) who could get those things for you. Link to post Share on other sites
whichwayisup Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 grem-phobic Sorry, I couldn't resist letting that one go on by... Link to post Share on other sites
Lishy Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 I'm not excusing his behavior but some guys might feel you just want peace and quiet while you recoperate. He should have called or texted you to see if you need anything. Maybe he's grem-phobic and thinks he can get it even over the phone. Hope you get better, fast. Only a guy could even try to consider making excuses for your so called boyfriends disgusting behaviour!!!!!!!!! Link to post Share on other sites
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