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Do guys kiss and tell?

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I had a great guy friend for 6 years. GREAT friends. We had sex about a year ago, but, we just ended up being good friends! Now I met one of his friends who is great and we just clicked. Then when we went out, he wanted to have sex with me the same night...I mean.....he told me that the night he met me my friend told him after I left that we slept toghether! I felt like he just went out with me cause he heard about how I'm in bed or something!


Why would the person I thought was my good friend do that? :confused:


I confronted my friend of 6 years and I never heard from him.

What's the deal!?

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Almost every guy I know tells there friends everything... Things that should not be mentioned to anyone. So, I would watch out with that... It happened to bit me in the ass in one way...


It's a guy thing... They will tell there friends anything... If there was alcohol involved then expect that things will be out in the open that you would rather no one knew about.

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All guys kiss and tell it is a ego boost when they can compare how many and what they did .. If they mean anything to you they want tell but if they do you was just another notch that he conquered .. That is very childish and immature on his part but some guys are like that not all.. My h tells me all the time the guys want to hear about his sex life with me and he tells me that they are jerks to kiss and tell.!!!!

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If they mean anything to you they (won't) tell


I think that's not a reasonable generalization. I think, if you truly mean nothing to them, they won't want anyone to know that they had sex with you.

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