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Pressured to find a rich husband!!!


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My bf and I have been dating for over 2 years. Recently we talked about marriage. I'm 29 and he is 31 so I guess we are at the right age to do so. We are both professionals living in CA and earn an ok income but we are far from being well off. I don't mind that as I think we can work together to achieve our common goals. My friends and family however feel that I could perhaps marry a richer man ( I know I am attracting flamers here). My friends encouraged me to go and look for a rich man as they say I deserve a better life than the one I have now. All we have (my bf and I) is our jobs and we have no other source of income. Some days we really have to struggle a bit, like we have not had a vacation for a long time. We really want to live some place else but we have no money to do so yet. The day to day life is starting to wear out. I think I am slowing losing my prospects on life and I am thinking that marrying a rich guy may be my solution. Last night my mum took me to meet a doctor. I doubt if I will develop any feeling for him. Anyone want to flame me or give me advice?

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Well, Nicole Brown Simpson married a rich ex football player and he ended up slicing her like lunch ham. Yeah, marrying a rich guy sounds pretty good to me.


First of all, there's nothing more romantic than two people starting at the bottom and working together toward a dream that they have made for themselves. Now, I understand you prefer to start at the top and I won't hold that against you.


On the face of it, marrying a rich guy may sound really nice. I know a lot of marriages between Cinderellas and rich guys and they are miserable...but they do have money. Better to be miserably rich than miserably poor, I suppose.


With definite exceptions, men who have lots of money are preoccupied with making more and working hard at keeping what they have. Romance is not job number one. They are very often very controlling. The stress of making money causes them to work late a lot and to fly of the handle with fits of anger when they are home.


Many men who have lots of money think they own their wives and can beat them up just any old time. But you can always wear padded clothing.


Men who have lots of money didn't make it so some woman could come along and screw them out of it. Sure, they'll part with enough to suck the woman of their choice in. Then they have to put on the squeeze. Shelling out a big allowance to a wife is not in the business plan, babe.


Many men with lots of money know just how to hide it in overseas banks so you won't get your hands on it when he's tired of you. If they're rich enough they'll make you sign a prenuptial agreement providing you'll get screwed when they decide to dump you.


Men with money have enough to have a harem on the side and often do. They have girls in different cities or they may put up one or two at a time at different apartments or homes they rent on the other side of town so they can slip over for a quickie in the afternoons and on weekends.'


Rich men and LOTS of females after them constantly and those females don't care if they're married or not. They are a prize to be won...just like you consider them.


Now, if you find somebody as rich and notable as Donald Trump, he will be forced to give you a few million when he kicks you out. But if your guy is just an ordinary rich guy, you'll be out on the streets without much at all. Their attorneys have planned it for them that way.


Life with a rich guy in some cases can be very nice. Usually they have made their money and are ready to settle down in life...at around age 75 or 80. If your hopeful is in that age range, go for it.


Nicole Simpson paid for her rich guy with her life. Sen. Hillary Clinton paid for her president with the humiliation of having her husband president receive a blow job with a White House intern inside the oval office. Mrs. Gary Condit paid for her prestigious Congressman husband by having his multiple affairs spewn all over the airways for months and months.


Nicole Kidmann paid for her dear Tom Cruise by getting dumped in front of the entire world in favor of a younger Penelope Cruz.


Men pay the same price for rich girls. The men who married Janet and LaToya Jackson gut it up the butt real good. I'm sure it was a Thriller!


You can get examples from TV almost every night of the nightmares associated with being with rich spouses. Even the couples you think are ideal often have terrible marriages but can afford to pay publicists and public relations agencies big money to make the world think they are getting along great. How often are you surprised when a wonderful couple bites the dust?


At any rate, if you aren't interested in being loved dearly for yourself and are willing to love someone else for their money only, you may find yourself a deal. But there are NO FREE LUNCHES in life. You'll pay for your rich guy one way or the other. Let's just hope it isn't with your life.


Start of light. Find yourself a sugar daddy and move up from there. There isn't as much committment that way.


If your day to day life is starting to wear on you, I am so sadly sorry. But cherish these awful days because when you're married to your rich guy and he's demanding his money's worth, these days will seem the most precious you ever had in your life. TRUST ME!!!


I wish you the best of luck!!!

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This sounds like a subject you know a little something about. I agree with you. I have girlfriends who are focused on finding rich husbands, but every time they date a man with money, they are sorely disappointed. Believe it or not, they want their rich men to also be handsome, kind, sexy, humanitarian, romantic and generous. Oh brother.

Well, Nicole Brown Simpson married a rich ex football player and he ended up slicing her like lunch ham. Yeah, marrying a rich guy sounds pretty good to me. First of all, there's nothing more romantic than two people starting at the bottom and working together toward a dream that they have made for themselves. Now, I understand you prefer to start at the top and I won't hold that against you.


On the face of it, marrying a rich guy may sound really nice. I know a lot of marriages between Cinderellas and rich guys and they are miserable...but they do have money. Better to be miserably rich than miserably poor, I suppose. With definite exceptions, men who have lots of money are preoccupied with making more and working hard at keeping what they have. Romance is not job number one. They are very often very controlling. The stress of making money causes them to work late a lot and to fly of the handle with fits of anger when they are home. Many men who have lots of money think they own their wives and can beat them up just any old time. But you can always wear padded clothing.


Men who have lots of money didn't make it so some woman could come along and screw them out of it. Sure, they'll part with enough to suck the woman of their choice in. Then they have to put on the squeeze. Shelling out a big allowance to a wife is not in the business plan, babe. Many men with lots of money know just how to hide it in overseas banks so you won't get your hands on it when he's tired of you. If they're rich enough they'll make you sign a prenuptial agreement providing you'll get screwed when they decide to dump you. Men with money have enough to have a harem on the side and often do. They have girls in different cities or they may put up one or two at a time at different apartments or homes they rent on the other side of town so they can slip over for a quickie in the afternoons and on weekends.'


Rich men and LOTS of females after them constantly and those females don't care if they're married or not. They are a prize to be won...just like you consider them. Now, if you find somebody as rich and notable as Donald Trump, he will be forced to give you a few million when he kicks you out. But if your guy is just an ordinary rich guy, you'll be out on the streets without much at all. Their attorneys have planned it for them that way. Life with a rich guy in some cases can be very nice. Usually they have made their money and are ready to settle down in life...at around age 75 or 80. If your hopeful is in that age range, go for it. Nicole Simpson paid for her rich guy with her life. Sen. Hillary Clinton paid for her president with the humiliation of having her husband president receive a blow job with a White House intern inside the oval office. Mrs. Gary Condit paid for her prestigious Congressman husband by having his multiple affairs spewn all over the airways for months and months. Nicole Kidmann paid for her dear Tom Cruise by getting dumped in front of the entire world in favor of a younger Penelope Cruz. Men pay the same price for rich girls. The men who married Janet and LaToya Jackson gut it up the butt real good. I'm sure it was a Thriller!


You can get examples from TV almost every night of the nightmares associated with being with rich spouses. Even the couples you think are ideal often have terrible marriages but can afford to pay publicists and public relations agencies big money to make the world think they are getting along great. How often are you surprised when a wonderful couple bites the dust? At any rate, if you aren't interested in being loved dearly for yourself and are willing to love someone else for their money only, you may find yourself a deal. But there are NO FREE LUNCHES in life. You'll pay for your rich guy one way or the other. Let's just hope it isn't with your life. Start of light. Find yourself a sugar daddy and move up from there. There isn't as much committment that way. If your day to day life is starting to wear on you, I am so sadly sorry. But cherish these awful days because when you're married to your rich guy and he's demanding his money's worth, these days will seem the most precious you ever had in your life. TRUST ME!!! I wish you the best of luck!!!

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Money isn't everything. There are some very rich people lying in a hospital bed, dying of painful cancer. There are women who are married to rich "cheaters"......there are rich people who have everything (material) in life they could want but are miserable and on the verge of suicide.


You have boyfriend....yet you agreed to meet the doctor your Mom wanted you to meet? What kind of girlfriend are you? You should have told your Mom to take a flying leap...that you're in a committed relationship and you're not interested in looking elsewhere/checking out the market.


You and your b/f are young....if you want money and nice material things, then work your ass off for it....don't expect some rich man to be your winning lottery ticket.


Why don't you think about what the important things in life are.....having your health, having a boyfriend who loves you, having a job (many don't), having a roof over your head (many don't), having someone to come home to each night/wake up with each morning.


Your Mother sounds like a real prize. Not.



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Firstly, Thank you very much from my bottom heart,Tony!!!!


A) Are you saying only rich guy beat up, abuse, or even kill their wives? If not, what exactly is your point?


B) I do think i'll take your advice and I also want to get the job. However, i have problem about degree.


Can anyone succed in business with no degree? Do people need to have qulifications to do the job or get to a senior position or management?


I know plenty of dumb bastards who are in higher positions, and plenty of smart people who could apply common sense and do the job twice as well...furthermore, can or would anyone be given the opportunity?

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I missed reading your replies the past couple weeks...and I'm glad you're back!


(We sure had some interesting posts that you would've loved replying to...)



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A) Are you saying only rich guy beat up, abuse, or even kill their wives?


Not only am I not saying that, I did not even imply that. But the subject was rich men and that's who I was speaking of. Men of any means are capable of beating up, abusing or killing their wives. Lots of poor, trailer trash men with no education or class whatsoever end up doing that all the time because the women they associate with put up with their crap. Usually, these women do not set out with the goal of finding them, however.


If not, what exactly is your point?


My point is that the greater majority of wealthy men are controlling, possessive, jealous, etc. The nature of a man who accumulates great wealth is to be those things. They often have an attitude that they can do no wrong. And very often they are physically or verbally abusive, not only to their spouses but to those who work for them.


There are also some very find wealthy men but they are usually past their prime when they are driving hard to amass their fortune.


B) I do think i'll take your advice and I also want to get the job. However, i have problem about degree.


Can anyone succed in business with no degree?


Bill Gates dropped out of college in 1973, founded Microsoft Corporation two years later, and now has a net worth (mostly stock and cash) of about $58 BILLION. It's low because he's given away or pledged $25 billion of that to charities and non-profits in the last few years.


Ross Perot, founder of a data processing corporation, former major stockholder of General Motors, and presidential candidate worth about $6 billion, has no college degree. Ray Kroc, who founded McDonald's Hamburger Restaurants (now deceased) had no college degree and made BILLIONS of dollars.


Dave Thomas, billionaire founder of Wendy's Restaurants, has no college degree. The brother of sparkle (who often posts on this forum) is a college drop out who makes over a quarter of a million dollars a year.


I could give you thousands of examples but you've got the idea. Some are famous, most are not, but tons of men have made it big in the business world without college. College doesn't not enstill that passionate urge to success that is innate in some people.


Do people need to have qulifications to do the job or get to a senior position or management?


Most companies require education, experience and other qualifications for these types of positions. Many who hold these positions start from the bottom, sometimes as janitors, at these companies and work themselves up into senior positions...because of their burining desire.


Men who have a passion to success leapfrog over these positions, start their own companies, and create their own positions for themselves.

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I read Tony's response and I have to agree, starting out at the bottom and building something together will mean so much more down the road. You stated that the day to day is wearing you down. Put that in perspective. Maybe you should keep a journal or a calendar or something to track your "goals". Small ones at first - all change from shopping goes into a jar for a fund (vacation, future home, better car, wedding plans, whatever!). It is difficult to remember the small steps that you have taken - so write them down and celebrate them. "Saved those darn laundry box proof of purchase - got my free tv today!!!" That is a step. "Starting reading about sign language today - something I'm interested in learning". That is a step. The point is - cherish this time of building - you will look back upon it one day and say "remember when we started off in that tiny, two-bedroom home..........." and you will smile (and maybe cry). Regarding men with money - I've had my share. I've dated them, been hit-on by them, worked with them, even had the indecent proposal (sleep with me for money-yuck!). I don't want any part of them. They see dollar signs and pretty things - all of their's to have! It is definitely not about building something nor working toward a life-long goal - which by no means is possessions!! Hope this helps. My bf and I have been dating for over 2 years. Recently we talked about marriage. I'm 29 and he is 31 so I guess we are at the right age to do so. We are both professionals living in CA and earn an ok income but we are far from being well off. I don't mind that as I think we can work together to achieve our common goals. My friends and family however feel that I could perhaps marry a richer man ( I know I am attracting flamers here). My friends encouraged me to go and look for a rich man as they say I deserve a better life than the one I have now. All we have (my bf and I) is our jobs and we have no other source of income. Some days we really have to struggle a bit, like we have not had a vacation for a long time. We really want to live some place else but we have no money to do so yet. The day to day life is starting to wear out. I think I am slowing losing my prospects on life and I am thinking that marrying a rich guy may be my solution. Last night my mum took me to meet a doctor. I doubt if I will develop any feeling for him. Anyone want to flame me or give me advice?
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I think you have to decide how fake you want to be. Do you want to live in a fairy tale (marrying a rich man for money) or do you want to live in reality (marrying for love and achieving your goals together)? Sounds like to me someone (or yourself) has put it in your head to "cheat" your way through life. Is there some reason why you can't do like most of the population and work for what you want? And if you want to go into business, then work for it. Nothing is for free, and if you want money, you're going to have to sacrifice one way or another.

My bf and I have been dating for over 2 years. Recently we talked about marriage. I'm 29 and he is 31 so I guess we are at the right age to do so. We are both professionals living in CA and earn an ok income but we are far from being well off. I don't mind that as I think we can work together to achieve our common goals. My friends and family however feel that I could perhaps marry a richer man ( I know I am attracting flamers here). My friends encouraged me to go and look for a rich man as they say I deserve a better life than the one I have now. All we have (my bf and I) is our jobs and we have no other source of income. Some days we really have to struggle a bit, like we have not had a vacation for a long time. We really want to live some place else but we have no money to do so yet. The day to day life is starting to wear out. I think I am slowing losing my prospects on life and I am thinking that marrying a rich guy may be my solution. Last night my mum took me to meet a doctor. I doubt if I will develop any feeling for him. Anyone want to flame me or give me advice?
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Parents, family and friends are always quick to give advice on how YOU should live.Doesn't matter if it's who to marry, what kind of car to drive or what brand of peanut butter to spread on your toast. Somehow they always feel like it's their duty to run your life for you.


Nobody in my family has married someone their parents approved of in generations.All my great-grandparents, grandparents, parents,siblings, cousins,even family pets...almost all of them married someone their parents weren't too keen on at the time.There was always something to nit-pick about...he was unreliable, she's not careful with her money,she's desperate, he's too wild, she's too eager, he's too nice,he's a diffirent religion,he's too blond.(and so on)


Despite the fact that all but a handful of these marraiges worked out well, or that divorce is almost non-existant in our family, every generation insist on torturing the next one with their misgivings.


If your friends and family insist on heping you, you cna return their "helpfulness" by telling them how to live THEIR lives and what's wrong with THEIR spouses!!! See how they like it.

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